
If you could live anywhere in the world..?

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Where would you live & why?

I'll give 10 points to the person that has the same as mine! <3

OR the most interesting!




  1. Japan!

  2. I would move to Chicago, the windy city.

    It&#039;s so now. I love it there, There are so many interesting

    sites and restaurants. It&#039;s awesome there.



    I would go to Denmark, I love the food, and I heard the

    people are very nice.

  3. China, the people are so polite, the spicey food is AMAZING, there spices, and herbs are the best in the world, the historical backround is to die for if you love history or architecture like me, and im really into martial arts and that speaks for itself

  4. i would live in Alaska :) you probably think I&#039;m crazy but people from there are always so interesting, it&#039;s like they&#039;re cut off from th rest of the 50 states because they have such a different lifestyle. it always is snowing there (i think?), even though it&#039;s cold, at least it snows. where i live, we only get the gloom part of winter, barely any snow. plus you get to wear those cool snow shoe things that look like tennis rackets :) also, it&#039;s always dark there so i could sleep whenever i want and there is that small period of time during the day when it&#039;s light out. makes me think of that feeling you get when it&#039;s almost spring and after a long, cold winter, it&#039;s just starting to get light again. a new hope, lol. it may not be a foreign country or a tropical place but that&#039;s where i would want to be.

  5. Here, in San Diego

    because the weather is faboulouse and beatiful

  6. I would like to live in New Zeland. I just think it would be cool because I think it would be differant than the place I live right now (Michigan) it is freezing in the winter. So I would enjoy a place that is warm like New Zeland!!!

  7. I wish I could say Thailand or Africa to help people in need but I am not strong enough to see reality.

    I would chose California.

  8. boquete, panama , so close to heaven,

  9. Spanaway Wa.

  10. North Carolina

  11. I&#039;d have to say, probably a cliche one, but New York.

    It just seems like such a cool place, you know? Like, it has everything. Stores, people, foooood ;) haha Like it just seems like a cool place.

    Either that or the UK. The people seem kinda different, but in a cool way. It seems like an interesting place, I&#039;d want to see what there is to it.

  12. I would go back to the Island of crete greece, I lived there once for 3 years, and I love it!

  13. where i am puerto rico i never wana leave here

    its nice i dont care what other people say its a great island

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