
If you could live forever, would you and why?

by Guest63117  |  earlier

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If you could live forever, would you and why?




  1. I would live forever because this would be an opportunity that nobody else would ever have.  I am also a history buff and it would be fascinating to watch humanity (or other species) evolve and see how they arrive to their future.

  2. Given my present level of awareness, I would, because that would give me a lot of time to find myself out.  I don't know if I would change my choice later though..

  3. It would be exciting to see what our civilization would be like a few thousand years from now.

  4. only if there was someone else to live forever with me.

    i think to see the changes that will happen to our government, people's lives, poss mutation of the human race, would be so fascinating.

  5. Yes,  I  would .  That  way,  I  wouldn't  have  to  give  up  my  belongings  !

  6. definitely not in this world with wars, sickness, and many other problems.

  7. just to see when man is going to other planet like going from one continent to other

    To see people of other planet

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