
If you could live in any century or time period, when would you live? (past, present, or future)?

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If you could live in any century or time period, when would you live? (past, present, or future)?




  1. The past is the root of present and future. Go back to make the root healthier if you can, then you present and future will be better. It's Karma, "act, action, performance" understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect. Search wikipedia for the word Karma.

  2. I would say the present because living in the Jurassic Period, Medeviel Times, the Exploration Period, the Great Western settlement period,the Civil War, the Industrial Period, Civil Rights period was just too rough and primitive to be alive at this time. I like living comfortably with the television and the internet.

  3. "the best place to be is here, the best time is now" - Bill & Ted

  4. futur for its mystery

  5. all have good and bad sides

  6. I would probably choose to live in the near future, because technology will probably be more advanced and more interesting.

  7. I'd like to re-live the 1980's. Had some good times back then.

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