
If you could live in any time and place in history where and when would you live?

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as an adult




  1. sparta so i could learn to kick butt

  2. I think I would pick old Norse Scandinavia. In spite of its brutalities it was one of the most free and socially mobile societies in history.....In some ways it exceeded our own. Kings and princes could become thralls (slaves) and the other way around.....I also would not mind being a long hunter on the early frontier of the 1700's like Daniel Boone, and a host of others. They lived very free lives and if many just disappeared or were known to have died young they had a level of freedom no one today and few of their own time enjoyed......

  3. I'd either be a caveman or...

    A WW2 spy in France. Ever seen the film Charlotte Gray? It's not that good - but like her.

  4. I'd go back to the Roman times. The Romans kicked ***.  

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