
If you could live in one of the four following Countries what would your choice be?

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United States?






  1. I would look at three major factors:  Climate, Opportunity and Cost of Living.

    England and Canada are far too socialistic and thus have limited financial opportunities. Plus Very high taxes!

    ...and high cost of living.

    US and Australia are definitely better. Australia has a great climate - extremely sunny if you like that.  

    But I believe best would be US because it has a reasonable cost of living, the best financial opportunities in the world and many parts of the country with good climate. California, Florida as two examples.

  2. England...I like the language and the weather I heard is great. Although I would be Leary of some of the bombing going on around that country. I would love to see the great castles.

  3. If the choice must be final, and one could never move out of that country I would have to choose the US.  I currently live in the US, so perhaps I am biased but follow my reasoning.

    England is very small, so it is limitting the ability to change climate or overall diversity of environment.  The UK is 93,788 square miles (England alone being 50,337), while the US is 3.79 million square miles.  The entire UK could fit inside of Michigan (USA's 11th largest state).  England could fit inside of Louisiana the 31st largest state.

    Basically by virtue of diversity of options alone US beats England for choice of living.  Canada would lose because of its less varied option of climates.  In the US one could choose to be cold (Alaska) or scorched (Florida) or have nice seasons of each (Pennsylvania).  One could choose to live in mountains (Colorado) or dessert (Nevada) or farmland (Kansas).  One could choose to live in sparsely populated areas (Montana) or dense ones (New York).  The choices are limitless here, which would make the land that the US encompasses more desirable for a permanent boundary.

    Australia is interesting.... it is quite large, but again does not exhibit the diversity of climate and environment that the US does.

    Though all the alternatives have very many things that would make them more disirable (political atmosphere, literacy rates, violence levels, economic advantages, competent leaders, etc.) if one were confined to a single location I would think that the logical choice would be to make that location as large and as diverse as possible so that a large scale change could be made if desired.

    If you are simply questioning where would one like to live right now without the requirement for permanence.... I would probably pick England.  I like the proximity to other nations and cultures that is lacking in the other options.

  4. CANADA!

    It has the best of all the other three lands all in one.

    I like it a lot.

  5. Canada (i was born there)

  6. i would have to do eanie, meanie, miny, mo

  7. Australian have no sense of humor, so skip that.

    US, I live there or here :-)

    England, I heard they're cold people.

    Canada, well, so far I didn't here anything bad about them, maybe they're mind their own businesses kind of people, so I'll go with Canada.

  8. Canada

  9. England.

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