
If you could make a nice living by gambling, would you?

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If you could make a nice living by gambling, would you?




  1. By "a nice living" I would have to be financially independent, never need money, have the same security and comfort in my income as of now.

    Using gambling as a means of getting there I would have have to say no. I can not live with the stress level of gambling all my life.

    I do not enjoy gambling as my lifestyle. I'd have to risk losing to better gamblers and have enough money to hold out until I win again. I do not have the stommach for that.

    I can see myself myself as a passive gambler with one lottery ticket a week.

    If I won big I'd settle my loan, sell the apartment and outright buy a house, and start a family.

    As the money I spend doing this was won, I will not have to take a loan and pay for 20-30 years. I will have enough available money every month in a regular job not having to work overtime, and even be able to work part time and be with my family. Loads of money now would make that difference. But having myself and people depend on me winning most of the time means stress. I do not like stress, I have experienced stress twice in my life already I do not fancy a third time for life. Currently I enjoy social security which in Denmark is much better than the US and most other places. Also we currently have very low unemployment and as I am single I can afford to own an apartment and save money into it. I would not be better off gambling to have more money, I'd get an ulcer and suffer stress and die much younger, and probably poorer.


  2. It is too stressful and takes all of the fun out of the games. I have thought about it but I like to play for fun, and there is no fun having your mortgage money and electric bill money riding on a bet. Plus it is pretty lonely. I like to talk with my current co-workers. Professional gamblers probably don't have much friendly interaction with others while working.

  3. most definitely; why not

  4. Well, it all depends on what you mean by nice living. Comfortable living? no stress living? No fun living? Nice living seems to be ab it like just sliding through,making it kind of living.  I would have to say No i would have to make more then just a nice living by gambling.  I enjoy gambling very much I love the slots. I have won many many times with just 2 bucks $9000.00. 2500. 1000. etc. . I play to win and most of all to have FUN.  You got to go with a attiTide that if you win its a plus if you lose you had a good time doing it.  Number one going with a tude thinking "oh I better win or I wont be able to pay my gas bill etc. etc. I out of 10 you will probably lose and your gas will be turned off.  If you go with "I am going to have a great time win or lose. You will go home a winner.. Because you aren't stressing about it. There is no room for stress in having fun gambling.  Why work somewhere you don't like? Cause the money is good? Well, I believe that will knock out 15 years of your life on its self. I have to love what I do, and i do love to gamble.  I do read on strategies it helps  to know when to hold them and when to fold them...So to think you can make a nice living gambling , naw , that would make me stress and lose . To have a fun living gambling ...Yes that would work!!!  be smart, and you can beat the odds. and have fun doing it ....

  5. Yes, I would if I new I would make a nice living.  That is the question though.  Anybody could make a nice living by buying the winning lottery ticket but would you?

  6. NO WAY!

    Every gambler I know has lost it all sooner or later!

    Anyone who wins, also loses.


  7. h**l yes.  If I could make $1000 a week after covering my expenses...count me in.

  8. Absolutely. I enjoy gambling. I enjoy numbers. I enjoy mathematical odds, exposing weaknesses, and most of all, proving people wrong. If I could make a living gambling, you bet your behind I'd do it in a heartbeat.

  9. I would take every opportunity to make a nice living......

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