
If you could make one new law to help stop global warming, what would it be?

by Guest33261  |  earlier

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that no one can litter and things like that




  1. We should bomb china and then live on with our lives. Just joking. We should make stricker lawz like 6 months in jail for littering or one year of community service for everytime you litter. That would keep americans from littering. And thats bad for the envoirment. I personality think that you should have the right of how many kids you want to have. And theres no point in lowering how many kids you should have becasue most people have 1-3 kids and thats not alot. I think that they should stop selling hairspray and stop using cars that need gas and thats my soulotion.

  2. make everyone live without technology developed before 1800 and kill anyone who disobeys.  the only ones who can have tech is the government to enforce the laws. and they cant use the tech alot, not enough to cause global warming anyway. what do you think guys?

  3. the solution is not ending or making things disappear

    it's making limitations on what there is

    i mean yes of course all pollution should be out lawed but that's not stopping anyone from doing it.

    also global warming can't be reversed or completely ended.

    but in the end people need to stop being greedy b******s and using and abusing our natural resources.

  4. I personally, wouldn't make it so extreme because it would be such a hard way to live.

    It's a really difficult question to answer actually as there are so many laws i'd like.

    Some of these include the following; No Litter (although it already is illegal in th UK), a certain amount of miles a car is allowed to drive a week or amount of petrol they buy, Charged if their power and water bill go over a certain amount of money a month, Only a certain amount of public vehicles a week.

    Sorry I didn't actually answer the question, it was too difficult.

    Weldone though, good question!

  5. My law would be that no one can have more than two kids (and if you're curious, I was the third child in my family). Population growth is the biggest driver of global warming, not to mention lots of other problems.

  6. that the theory of global warming is a scam and anyone trying to profit off of it shall be thrown in prison

  7. Well obviously what we need is one dynamic, charismatic leader to come forth and dictate to the entire world the one true way to live! My guess is that he'll be German (or Austrian) and a truly fiery speaker. I can imagine the massive rallies with organized cheers and lots of waving flags and precision marching.  Then, and only then, can we all rejoice in our united allegiance to the Party...ummm, I mean the global warming crisis.

  8. Well, its hard because there are sooo many laws I would love to make, like NO more cutting down trees, EVERYONE in the world can have no more than ONE child, NO more gas powered vehicles, or no polluting, but by far I would choose NO more cutting down trees, because they help absorb the carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases that are doing all of the pollution, and picture Earth without a forest to walk into, no place to hike, and keep our planets wild animals safe, But most importantly, they as I said before absorb all of the greenhouse gases, and C.D.,

    Imagine a world of all city, animals cut from their homes, not to mention constant road kill!

    I would have chose No more gas powered vehicles, which is equilly important, but most people would drive them anyways, I care alot about the environment, and nature, and a simple law or "No more cutting down trees'' could do a big difference, to help combat global warming, because without them.....What's absorbing C.D. and G.H.G emissions......

  9. AGW or GW or Climate Change,  pick your poision,   is now a cause du jour.    The same people who thought the sky was falling are behind this.   It is their neices and nephews,   sons and daughters who are caught in the mania and who are bombarded by notions,  not science.

    Some will say many meteorologists go along with this stuff,  but they are liars,   but even still,   if there are a few who agree that it is possible,  they will not say for the most part,  they are 100% certain.

    Why is that?   Meteorologists like all scientists are hesitant to be too bold concerning any prediction.     In the back of every mind scientific,  is the argument against their own opinions or in the case of meteorologists,  their forecasts.

    Beware when scientists all agree all the time.   That is a dangerous precedent and makes it not science,  but a religion of a kind.....

  10. Tell the jet stream to stay put and stop moving all up and down the Midwest so the illusion of warm weather doesn't make people freak during January.  And maybe handcuff el-Nino while we're at it.  

    The law against littering has been on the books for decades.

  11. New law: All big mouth ex politicians trying to make a living off of scaring the simple people on earth, need to hold their breath until they die!! Problem solved. Less co2 and the simpletons have to find better information to blindly follow.

  12. The sun, AKA Sol, shall cease and desist all abnormal and extra-active behavior, and shall heretofore behave in a consistent and equitable fashion until such time as the human race, AKA Homo sapiens, shall permit otherwise.

  13. No public policy should be made for global warming.  There is no irrefutable evidence of man made global warming.  

    But even if you are someone who will never believe that global warming doesn't exist, think about this... it will cost 29 trillion dollars to fight this threat of sketchy (and special interest funded) "science" along with ruin our economy. Know how much it will take to feed the entire human population for the next 100 yrs? 7 trillion.

    Still think we should be making public policies and spend all that money? Then do one thing for me before you call your local congressman: Name one thing that the government hasn't screwed up.

  14. I'd say to help not only the enviroment but man kind in general is to make a small little island  and deport anyone to it that is a "trouble maker". Trouble maker in this case being those so openly causing others trouble but without cause, merit, proof or right.

    The right to life is precious, and so is the quality of someone's life. So why is it that the voters have spoken on certain subjects yet find themselves over ruled by liberal courts ? Find themselves put off by politicians ? Have put in place rules and policies until some fringe group comes and 'modifies' or eliminates what the voter or Citizen of this country has dictated. Why are so many people allowed to lie on national TV ? who cares if they are a politician or not. They should be held accountable. Why is it American citizens seemingly take a back seat to illegals ? Why is our life style being changed forceably to the nut-balls in America ? Just because a respectible citizen has a life and a job and can't devote their whole life to whining like socialist protestors, liberals doesn't mean we should have to bow knee to them or thier insanity.

    That would save time, effort, paperwork (thereby saving tree's) It would return lost liberties to the actual citizens of this country, eliminate corrupt politicians that lie for a living, remove the whiner groups that seem to think they know what is best for America. For instance....Take your supposed Global warming. You can't prove its happening outside of some laboratory experiement. All the real and natural data is there and it disputes it. So if you, personally, or a group of people want to live "more green' then go for it, your free to do so, but it is a Social leftist that wants to force everyone to live their way. If you had any proof, that would be one thing, and most of the web sites i've seen make many assumptions in the face of opposing science. Science has always been the truth, not some subjective interpretation.

    But this law would save much time, effort, lessen strain on the economy, restore human rights and weed out all the deceivers, liars and frauds in the nation that have nothing better than to play god with their ideology.

  15. As you can, there are no real answers.  That pretty much means that there's no good reason to add any new law.

    This global warming thing is a revised version of the sun/earth worshiper religion.

  16. warming is a bad thing???

    How so?

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