
If you could make only one comment about Sarah Palin's daughter's pregnancy, what would it be?

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I think its terrible they are saying she will marry this guy. A high school child is way too young to know who their life partner should be! I think its a real crime the way they even mention the word marriage.




  1. She's not the first daughter of conservative parents to get pregnant at a young age.  

    I say B.F.D.

    She's not running for office- her mother is.

  2. its none of my business and be the best mother she can be!!!

  3. it keeps attention away from the real issues.

    Obama 08

  4. My comment is that Governor Palin's judgement needs to be questioned.  Her daughter is a 17 year old child who is unmarried and pregnant.  She and her BF need and deserve privacy and for her to put the couple through a public ordeal like this is irresponsible.  

  5. So, Its terrible for the parent of the child to take responsibility of marrying and raising the child?  What would be terrible is if she took the easy way out and hired doctor to murder her child by pulling off its arms and legs, then crushing its head so the corpse would fit thru the birth canal.  

    Granted, she should have waited another year, got married first then had a child, but at least she and the father is taking responsibility and not murdering their baby or having the government send them welfare checks.  Some people are mature enough to handle a child at 17 others arent even at the age of 37.  

  6. Abstinence-only s*x ed does not work.

  7. I agree with you to a degree. It might be the right decision for her but it seems like the odds are not in her favor. The whole thing is tragic. She's been drinking and now she's pregnant. That wasn't predictable or anything. Right.  (dripping with sarcasm)

    edit: Both parents dropped out of high school according to the reports I've read. That's just brilliant. Isn't an education helpful in this world and especially to be a parent?

  8. Bristol will do the right thing.

  9. My comment would be, "Post these questions in the pregnancy forum."

  10. My one statement would be:

    Stop covering this story! Nobody wants to hear about it. THE DAUGHTER IS NOT RUNNING FOR OFFICE!  

  11. My comment...who cares.

  12. I expected this to be on TMZ not the major news outlets. Then again journalistic reporting standards aren't what they used to be.

  13. Who cares and move on !!!!  

  14. She is human and no one is perfect and she is taking responsibility.  

  15. I'd say that I wish that anyone who cares would drop off the planet.  I'm really sick of anyone who endulges in nonsense like this.  You get the government you deserve and when you spend one second thinking about this c**p, you're hurting everyone.  

  16. Keep on playing it up, media.  You idiots are generating for sympathy for her and her mother, and this will help he become VP.

  17. My one comment:  If it had been Obama's daughter, or Biden's then they would have likely just taken the easy way out and had an abortion, and we would never have known about it.  Which is why I think the Palin's have such integrity, and I am proud of the girl for keeping the baby, and proud of the young man who fathered her child for taking responsibility.  I think there's a lot of good that can come from doing the right thing, and not making a second mistake to cover up the first mistake.

  18. sad, sad train wreck

  19. I think it is out of bounds to discuss.


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