
If you could make something from your childhood popular again what would it be?

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If you could make something from your childhood popular again what would it be?




  1. "KABLAM!"

    from nickalodeon.

  2. i would like  dancing the twist   hula hoops  roller skating and drive in movies        and the old tv show  the midnight special  every friday night at midnight  was a great show

  3. Civility and compassion.

  4. Without a doubt----the music,  I just spent 2 hrs listening to Daniel O' Donnell singing songs of the 50's and early 60's and they just don't make music like that any more.If you've never heard and get a chance I suggest you listen to him.  He's from Ireland and puts on a great show.  I first saw him on public t.v. but my friend has the DVD of the show and if was great.  I had to leave before i got to see all of it, but I'll go back soon to finish it.  He is awesome and puts on such a great show.

  5. Lego's there so hard to find now and you cant find just the mixed ones without the little paper to make one thing from them!!

  6. a whiz wheel

    its like a big wheel except its overall body is circular.  it has two large wheels on each side of the space where you sit and a caster wheel under your butt.  you then move by grasping the wheel handles with your hands and go.  You can do a perfect circle by turning each wheel in opposite directions.  it had a  warning on the front that said not to go down hills with it so I figured i would try it on the sled hill near my house... you roll end over end.

  7. nothing my childhood was awful

    i only look forward to the future forget about the past

  8. Playing outdoors and really using your imagination again!

  9. Pet rocks.. they got a bad rap. And there are so many up here. Just kidding. But I do like that Hoola Hoops are coming back. But I also miss my stick horse.. my brother and I both had them as children.. OH OH OH.. and dancing dolls. I could go on but I won't :)

  10. The original Arby's Sandwiches made with real roast beef.

  11. Old fashioned fountain made phosphate sodas.

  12. Every one getting dressed up to go to the movies.

    And when you get there NOT finding lolly wrappers strewn all over the floor in the lobby.

  13. It would be OK to chastise children in your neighborhoods when you see them doing things that they shouldn't....and that their parents would thank you.

  14. hi . i would like to see some of the toys we had as kids become real popular now . like " etch a sketch " and things we HAD to use our imaginations to make it seem real . kids now have all remote battery operated toys and i'd love to see kids have fun with more "simpler " things .   d.

  15. Nothing to be bought, 1st Lightning Bugs:::::and Green Moss, myself and my brothers got a jar

    each, put breathing holes in lid w/clover for food and we raced around for a long while at twilight catching the

    lighting bugs/fireflies .  When we finished We each put our jar by our bed and watched them twinkle as we went to sleep.  Since we slept in 1 large rm, it was all aglow, then in morning we opened the jar and they flew away.  There are very few of those flying sparklers any longer.    We got the green moss from our wooded area and built all kind of little bldg's & artwork , some as a mansion to put our turtles in which we kidnapped from veggie garden.  Life was so simple then.

    We were country ~~~mdsweet 1

  16. Baseball being played by kids in fields and school ball diamonds. You never see that anywhere anymore.

  17. Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and little boys playing with toys/action figures not video games...I enjoyed my childhood well

  18. This was actually before my childhood and it's not something like a game or anything, but I would love to see people valued for something other than superficial reasons. We ( society ) need to stop putting so much emphasis on youth and beauty - although I doubt it will happen anytime soon.

  19. What a good question ,  and so many good answers !

    I'd like to see the return of that "Norman Rockwell"  way of life, with peace and unity, innocence and humor, love and caring that was displayed in his drawings of simple every day scenarios.  I see myself. and my memories in each and every one of them !

  20. Tough question - There are so many ways to think about this. Mellow Yellow, Swatch watches, GI Joe, hackey-sack, the entire idea of Saturday morning cartoons being special, actually playing outside with friends instead of sitting in front of a TV or computer playing video games, wrestlers like Hacksaw Jim Dugan or Andre the Giant.

  21. I would like to bring TV back the way it used to be..we started out with 28 channels BUT they all showed 18 to 24 hour infomercials..reruns were only during the summer and the actual holiday not a two and three week period.  and series were 26 weeks not 22...    when HBO came on the scene you got two-three new movies a week the was always a current hit  not a current B movie..HBO was one channel but it didn't repeat so much..and our bill was 28 bucks we're getting ripped.

  22. Too many to list, but a few are Space Food Sticks, Pilsbury "Funny Face" drink mixes, "Captain Kangaroo" TV show, and #1 - Innocence.

  23. Innocence

  24. what were those wrestling dolls called that you could beat up and they would make all the ouch sounds? i always wanted one of those and never got one... i wish they would come back. i wanted the hulk hogan one.

  25. POKEMON!!!!

  26. Skip-It!

  27. the Original Power Rangers lol or the Original Sega Genisis game system lol...and of course POGS!!!!

  28. I'm with Rhumba. Anything that doesn't come with batteries and that would make kids use their own imaginations again!

    Edit...Can I add one more thing?....a tradition? Would love to see family meals become popular again. Everyone sitting down TV to distract them...and actually talking over their day, family matters, etc.

  29. Evening spent together with your family WITHOUT the TV.

    I grew up without TV so in the evenings my folks would put a blanket or two on the lawn and bring out the radio. We kids would play games, count the flying foxes flying overhead, gaze at the stars and pick out the constellations, listen to the radio plays and talk to our neighbours as they strolled up the street.

    I loved those times of family togetherness, I made sure I did that with my kids by turning the TV off. I feel sorry for kids stuck in front of the telly or the Xbox nowadays.

  30. Politeness.

  31. Creative play.  By that I mean taking things like boxes, sticks, rocks, bottle caps, etc. and playing with them outdoors in creative ways.  I can't tell you how many games we invented using found items.  I can't tell you how many forts we built.  I just remember going outside empty-handed and keeping myself busy for most of the day without ever touching a store-bought toy.

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