
If you could only do 3 more "things" during the rest of your life, what would you do???

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If you could only do 3 more "things" during the rest of your life, what would you do???




  1. 1. Ride my Harley

    2. Ride my Mercedes Benz powered Trike

    3. Smoke Pot

    That is my answer.

  2. 1) conduct my elder son's marriage

    2) conduct my younger son's marriage

    3) look after my wife and my sons offsprings with lot of care and affection

  3. 1. Get married

    2. Tell the ones i love "I love you."

    3. Pray to God and repent.

  4. be a hairdresser, singing on stage and ..... (I think of that one....)

  5. 1)take a trip around the world.

    2) tatts /peircings

    3)have fun

  6. travel the world

    safe the world

    never work again

  7. (1)  Go on living the way I have been living.

    (2)  Go on living the way I have been living.

    (3)  Go on living the way I have been living.

    Reason : I am quite happy with my way of living and so are all my loved ones - family, relatives, friends.

  8. Take over the world, pretend I was the second coming of Jesus, and become a superstar. Not necessarily in that order

    You didn't say it had to be realistic!

  9. Travel the world.

    Be confident.

    Be truely contented with life.

  10. Find love, play music, and live the life of a nomad

  11. Are we talking big picture, little picture, or if I could survive on doing only three things, what would they be? Sorry, I'm easily confused.

    Little picture, I'd probably say:

    1) Tell my family and friends how I feel about them

    2) Make someone happy

    3) Smell something or witness something really gorgeous

    Big picture would have to be:

    1) Travel the world

    2) Find love

    3) Touch thousands of lives (maybe write an amazing book?)

    Surviving on doing three things would be:

    1) Breathing

    2) Drinking

    3) Sleeping

  12. move to new york, move to england, meet michael jackson

  13. 1) Meet someone to spend the rest of my life with.

    2)Play Football.

    3)Travel the world.  

  14. Control minds

    Cure any illness

    Have all the powers of Superman

  15. I would go to Paris, do some shopping and then go up onto the highest peak of the Eifell Tower, get a REALLY cushy comfy airchair that you just sink into, a book, a doona and my dog, and read until I died.

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