
If you could only have one kid would you want it to be a boy or a girl?

by  |  earlier

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  1. A boy.

    I can raise it to have a positive attitude towards women.

    If it was a girl she'd just get destroyed by the media/men/her friends etc

  2. A boy -- To pass on my name and to continue thousands of years of heredity.

  3. It honestly doesn't matter to me, whether I have 1 child or 5 children. I don't care what gender they have, I have no preference. Really.

  4. Healthy. Nothing else is really important, and health is only important because it means the child has an easier start to a happy life.

    Cheers :-)

  5. A boy.

    Because he and I can play Cricket when he grows up

  6. I would want a girl because girls are more neater than boys and you can talk to them better than boys

  7. boy.  I am the only guy in the family,well except from my father.  

  8. I didnt care what s*x my child was, turned out he was a boy.  As some of the other posters have said, gender is really irrelevant, just so long as your child is healthy.  

  9. i will wait for nine moths i dont want to lose the excirtment whether i will have son or daugther both are same for me i will pray for saftey of my daughter/son and my wife

  10. I already have one child and he turned out to be a boy. My father was hoping for a girl so he could spoil her rotten lol and it would have been nice too. We could dress the same do things together talk about boys. But because boys run in my family i had a boy.  


  12. As long as their healthy, and happy, I could care less what gender they are.  

  13. I would love to have either as long as they're with my husband... I might be a bit partial to a girl, if only because I have a more clear conception of what I would want to teach her about life. It wouldn't be a disappointment if I had a boy though; I'd count it as a learning experience.  

  14. Health is the first priority ... but I prefered a boy (and had one) due to issues that I have had all my life with my mother. I didn't want to repeat those mistakes.

  15. if i could only have one kid then i would want it to be a girl because then i can take her shopping and to get our nails and hair done and because i grew up with 4 brothers and i have always wanted a sister so i would just love to have my own little girl.....

  16. A girl - I just feel I could relate to her better and have more advice for her  :-)

  17. A boy so that we can do manly things together.  

    Man, I hope I don't end up with some whiney emo kid or something.

  18. a kitten !

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