
If you could open your own CHARITY, what would it be helping?

by Guest61941  |  earlier

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If you could open your own CHARITY, what would it be helping?




  1. I would create one for autistic children and adults. Right now, it is incurable and it is personally disheartening to me (I have a 20- year autistic brother) to even think that my brother or any other autistic person will spend the rest of their life in this condition. I will help parents who does not have a lot of money to take their child to a speech therapist, so the children get the treatment they need. I will also have qualified teachers that are able to help them somewhat socially function in the world.

  2. Animals

  3. I would help the breast Cancer research.

    my grandmother died from it


  4. Foster children. For example, children that grow up in the system are often left to fend for themselves once they turn 18,  I would help them get on their feet and learn to take care of themselves, job skills etc.

  5. I would do something to help the youth.  Most of our teenagers get into trouble because they are bored and have nothing to do. So I would create something so that they could spend their time with others and help to develop the wonderful productive member of society that they need to be.

  6. Cancer patients. This is such a horrible disease. I wish so much that there was a cure for it. But if I had a charity I would help all the patients. Help make them as comfortable as possible, be by their sides when they get sick, whatever they need.

  7. Most answers are pointing to helping the youth of today. Yes, it is important that they are pointed in the right direction but I think the elderly need just as much help if not more.  Lots of the older folks have been cast aside by their families and placed in homes to die.  There could be a great charity to form groups of people to go around visiting these folks.  All these people need is companionship & friendly faces. There is so much that could be done about this subject.  The elderly folks only need to know that their lives have been validated and not wasted.....

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