
If you could pick a country to live where and why?

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I am living in mass usa but it is getting old and jobs are hard to get. i am thinking about trekking up to montreal canada to try it out. how about you why do you want to leave and where would you go?




  1. Brazil, the beaches are beautiful, and the natural rainforest. The carnival where everybody dances in the street. But being more realistic I would pick Canada too. I've heard a lot of positives about the way the government treats its citzens and the steady economy. I live in California right now.

  2. I live in Toronto canada..  I would want to live here out of all places because its a good country and free health care.  But if i did live anywhere else i would live in LA cuz i love it there or Laguna beach cuz of the hills girls :)

  3. Southern France...sick of facist usa...the French are laid back and have little prejudices against skin color, race, sexual orientation...they are living the good life in Southern France...good weather, Mediterranean climate, waaaaay better sense of how to cook...they are much more liberal socially...

    edit...much better health care system...and child care system

  4. USA Las Vegas. looks cool nd alot of gambling or Miami the sun I dunno just from what I seen on TV USA looks exciting but I aint to keen on living around lots of guns

    I wanna leave because this country is swag. Only London is good and Ive lived here my whole life so im bored aint left England beofre I wanna explore this world. Everything is expensive the skys most time just white rains shiit weather commun were all the way up here in the world and when I see americans visintg here their always happy compared to the genral population here who walk around looking depressed lol

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