
If you could pick what baby you were having, what would it be?

by  |  earlier

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a boy, or girl, no twins




  1. a boy and a girl

  2. I want three kids, one of each.

  3. quad boys

  4. I would like to have a boy and a girl

    preferably Not twins just because that would be so hectic!

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  5. A girl, and I would named her either Rachel Anne or Hannah Joyce.

  6. well, im only 17, but i couldnt choose, both are beautiful, and i would be a proud parent to have either a boy or a girl = )

  7. A boy for sure. Boys just have an edge. Obviously, I'd be happy if I had a daughter, but if I could pick I'd go for a boy.

    I wouldn't want twins. How hectic would that be? Not too mention the cost. Sheesh...

  8. doesn't matter, probably boy. i want triplets though

  9. I use to think I wanted a girl and when i was told my first was a girl i went out and spent $300 on clothes but then i had a boy instead.  After raising him for 18 months when i got pregnant again I found myself actually hoping for another boy and I don't know why.  I got another boy.  This time around I just felt like I wanted another boy, I guess I just felt it would be easier because i am use to raising boys and sure enough I am having another boy.  Its not that I wouldn't be happy to have a daughter but i think back about my nieces, my female cousins and myself and look at the girls in my family now and realize they are a pain to deal with lol so I am ok with my little men.  

  10. for me it doesn't really matter what the gender is

    i would be happy just to know I'm a mom, of a happy and healthy baby

    but of course i wont be having children no time soon


  11. i would actually love to have twins. that would be a lot of fun. if not, i would love a baby girl, but that won't happen until i'm way older.

  12. A small part of me is leaning towards a girl, but I'll be happy if I get a baby boy too.  I should be having an ultrasound in a few weeks so hopefully I'll find out! =]

  13. twins!

  14. I got 2 of each so it would be hard to choose. But when I was having my 2nd child I already had a daughter and I really wanted to have another girl. I always wanted to have 2 daughters not just 2 girls but I wanted 2 daughters, But I had a boy, then another boy then I had a daughter. So I got my 2 girls plus the 2 boys i am thrilled with my family. All 4 are my pride and joy.  

  15. A sophisticated  butler who gives me money all the time and serves me delicious meals an wednesdays

  16. neither. i don't want kids. :)

  17. A boy because I already have a girl. But its too late for picking, I am having my 20 week scan tomorrow, and I have a feeling its another girl!

  18. I wanted all, i was an evil teen.  I was "blessed" with 4 gurls and one boy.  I guess what comes around goes around.  My pops keeps telling me that I deserve my penance ten times over.  But now that I have them all, I wouldnt change a thing.

  19. Quintuplets  

  20. a boy. I was a horrible fourteen year old once, and I really don't want a mini me. All the hormones and stuff? Nah.

  21. Honestly, a boy =)

  22. Haha alot of baby questions from you tonight huh! Id like a little girl. I would love her so much and spoil her to death hehe. I would make sure she was the prettiest girl at school.  

  23. Boy

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