
If you could possess one supernatural ability/superpower, what would it be? And why?

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If you could possess one supernatural ability/superpower, what would it be? And why?




  1. Granting immortality and health.  I'd have all my beloved pets back.

  2. The ability to persuade people to do what I want & say.

    So that I could make the world a better place.

  3. flying

  4. See into the Future, that way i could make better decisions. Especially financial decisions

  5. Power to read minds- So I'd know what people thhink of me

  6. Shape shifting...

    I'd spend the whole day in front of the mirror checking out all the celebs bodies :-)


    Because I'm a guy!

  7. The ability to fly. Problems always seem distant when I'm traveling by air.

  8. Power to read minds and hearts and souls intentions - then I would know, where I belong ... plus extra courage in case the others have some supernatural abilities too

  9. The ability to shapeshift.

  10. invisiblility. You could get away with so much s**t

  11. all the power that  exist(like in the movie) in order to take over the world...YEAH!!!!

  12. Def flying. Image how fun that would be...Then invisibility because that could also potencially be very fun :D

  13. invisibility cos u cud save urselv from embarresment and not get caught.

  14. I would chose the ability  to become invisable. There would be no secrets kept after that .

  15. Invulnerability.

  16. either invisibility or a person that is super natural like fast reflects walk on air super human strenght not full on super human

  17. shape shift cause i could always get out of trouble and future forseeing to win the lottery :p !!

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