
If you could?

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If you could meet ANY person, from the past, or present.. Who would you choose to meet and why?

I asked this last night, but it got deleted (apparently this is chatting. last time i checked, i'm asking a legitimate question) and I didn't have the chance to read the answers=/

I am just curious, and wanted to ask a different question than many i've seen so far tonight.





  1. I would say Jesus, but I already know him in my heart and am destined to meet him face to face some day.  So instead I will say Christopher Columbus because it must have taken an enormous amount of courage to make such a journey in the small crafts available.

  2. Well I have several.

    I would love to go back and meet our founding father. Benjamin Franklin would be one of my first choices, than Einstein. I would also like to meet Anne Frank. I'm really into the holocaust and would love to tell her she is a great writer and that I've read her diary many times.

    Now, for future. I'd love to meet David Archuleta. He is amazing and has changed the way I think about music (Plus he likes cartoons, and anyone who likes cartoons is cool in my book lol)

  3. I have a few...bear with me.

    1:My Grandfather...he died when I was 6 months old, but had a really close bond with my older brother that I would have loved to share.  I was the last grandchild before he died.

    2:Charles he traveled on the HMS Beagle.  It would have been need to see how things were done back then and to read his findings as they happened.

    3:Beryl...she is a woman from England that my other grandfather fell in love with during the war.  He couldn't afford to bring her over with the other war brides, so he ended up marrying my grandmother, but one of my aunts is named after her.  And he still has contact with her to this day.  It would be neat to see what she is like.

    4:My Boyfriends Grandfather...He grew up without a father so his grandfather was his father role in his life.  He was a great man who was the pillar for his family.  Unfortunately I miss meeting him by just under a year. I would love to know if he would approve me for his precious grandson.

  4. i would go back and meet my best friend from like 1st grade

  5. hehe.I would like to meet you! I  don't know you yet but I would like to meet you!In an instantr of madness I can say I wanna         meet you!

  6. My grandfather. He died of cancer when my dad was 13. My grandmother and dad have told me that he was a great person. I would love to go back in time and see what he was like for myself. I've only seen one picture of him. It's kinda funny how you can miss someone you never met.

  7. I would like to meet myself in 20 years.=] I think it would be cool to find out how I turned out.

    Or I would meet my great grandma(died after I was born) b/c everyone always tells me she was the best.


    Jimi Hendrix- haha.

  8. i would meet my father. he died when i was 10 months oh and my grandmother, she died shortly after him

  9. I would like to meet my older Sister she died of cancer way before i was born. She was only 4 years old. I never got to know her and i've heard stories about her and seen pictures. Thats not the same.

  10. Bob Marley,

    he had such a creative way of expressing his beliefs.

    and in my opinion the man was a genius,

    I feel like I could have  had a legitimate conversation with him, whilst smoking a blunt lmaoo :]

    haha he'll always be my hero :]

  11. I would meet anne frank because she lived in constant fear and i would want to meet her she was so brave.. I would also want to meet my gramma because she died before i met her and she was a wonderful person from what people tell me and they say that she was kind and caring and giving and i would have loved to hear what she had to say and hear her stories and learn things from her.  I would also want to meet my husband because i wanna know who i am gonna marry.  LOL


    And i would love to meet selena  she was amazing and she was for real she was more than a singer she was a person who worked really hard to become at the top of tejano music she is my idol.  She was 23 when Yoland Saldivar shot her and she reached the top of tejano music she was crossing over to english when that happened and she was loved by so many because she was a caring person i would have loved to meet her.

    and i would want to meet myself when i am like 30 and 60 and then 90 to see how my life is and how i turned out and see if i am doing what i want to do and all that.

  12. Kurt Cobain, so I can tell him how much of a inspiration he is to me.

  13. I would love to meet Princess Diana. She seemed like such an amazing woman who helped the world so much. It was sad when she died.

    Another person who I would love to meet is Selena. When she was like 23 she was shot by her store manager. She was an amazing singer...

    In my family though, I would have loved to meet my great-grandmother and great-grandfather my from Grandpa's side. I never got to meet them... They seemed like great people. I would have also liked to meet my Grandma's dad. My dad's father's parents would have also been fun to meet... They were from Greece in the 1800's! That would be cool to talk about : )

    Cool Question!


  14. John Ritter (the dad from 8 Simple Rules)...he passed so suddenly, and he was SO funny. =D

    Anne Frank, like one girl said. I read her diary and she sounds like such a good person, and I'd like to ask her how it felt living in fear all the time as well.

    My grandpa. He passed away when I was 4, and I barely remember him. I wish I could've known him better.

    Taylor Swift. She seems so personable and I can relate to all of her songs. She is unlike the typical celebrity...

    Great question.

  15. I would meet Anne Frank because I wanna know what it was like living in constant fear, and would also like to be able to tell her that she will be famous =)
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