
If you could.............?

by  |  earlier

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....change any one thing about yourself right now, what would you change?




  1. ahhaha one thing?

  2. My s*x!

  3. anything? my height!!! lol nah im tryin to loose weight...only 1 belt size!  

  4. nothing.

  5. Id change my id cause a certain bar doesnt accept it

  6. nothing

  7. My reliance on others to make me happy!

  8. Cutie, if you're 18, I'd be laying next to YOU right now!!  That's what I'd change!!  :@)

  9. I wish I could be more serious with people I get involved with, I tend to take them for granted, I take rather then give

  10. I wish I were less busy, that I could spend more time with my friends, with my dad and baby sister. More time making beads and sculpting before I leave... 2 weeks from today.

  11. My acne.

    I wish I had I flawless skin...


    but since that's gonna go away sooner or later I'd say my stomach.

    I want a six pack :P

  12. My location. Josh.Mosh is soooo cute. ;)

    Otherwise I would change, as I have already said, my eye colour. Blue eyes? Blah! I want brown eyes. They are so very s**y. =)

    Otherwise I would change that I could have/have had a more normal life.  

  13. nothing at all.....

    i am the gift from the god.....

    i wouldn't change anything even though i am born with disfigured face.....

    just accept it.....

  14. Some excess pounds.  Earl is right.  You're about as cute as could be in that picture.  I wouldn't change anything about you.


  15. my im just kidding haha.....I wish I was a little heavier.

  16. my job. :|

  17. Nothing at all

  18. The size of my p***s. It's entirely too big. And I'm tired of tripping over it all the time. LMAO!!

  19. i'de get glasses i think there s**y on a woman!!!!

  20. Probably my weight

    I'm not extremely over-weight, but I wish I could drop like 25 lbs.

  21. my brest size

  22. the medical diagnosis i got yesterday.

    i'd give anything for it to be not so.

  23. My skin I guess...

  24. My shyness.  

  25. My weight. After watching all of this Olympic coverage I wanna get in better shape.

  26. i wish i could gain some weight...

    apparently after my 3 year vegetarian streak i lost ALOT of weight

  27. ....i want to change, the whole idea that i would want to change, i should love me for me, to bad i don't always agree with what i say...

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