
If you could rename yourself what name would you choose?

by Guest10949  |  earlier

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If you could rename yourself what name would you choose?




  1. Jimminy Kalvin Alfock Doobie Billybob

  2. I would change my first name to Lily because I like the name. I mean if I wanted to.

  3. I've always wanted a more interesting name purely for the sake of my art. Everyone remembers 'Picasso' or 'Raphael', and I just want some thing more... sophisticated for my art signings. Perhaps Mykhal Rhyanns, or any varient of the spelling 'Michael' and 'Ryan' (my first and middle names respectively)

  4. Thomas Edison

  5. My name has been the same for so long that I dont think that I could change my it. I would just feel weird, plus it would be hard for others to call me by that name. Your name is part of who you are!

  6. I would call myself:

    Duke Kickass

    Danny Awesome

    Joe McCool

  7. Maud'Dib Horatio Xerxes Leif Melchior Androclese Volkswagon

  8. If I could rename myself I would be a Jennifer Lynn.  I like my name I've had it so long it kind of grew on me LOL

    Linda :)

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