
If you could ride your horse anywhere in the world, where would it be?

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I have always wanted to ride my horse along a beautiful beach. There would be a cool breeze and a gorgeous sunset! What about you, where would you go?




  1. Across the Finish line First at the Kentucky Derby !

  2. i would love to ride across the moors or on a empty beach sum where silent that would be bliss

  3. dito to what you said.. that has always been my dream to do,unfortuntely,my husband wont get on a horse,so i dont see that happening... hope you get yours though.....

  4. If I had a horse,I would ride him on the carraige paths of Acadia National Park and gallop across meadows and jump streams!! I am dreaming,but that is what I would love to do.


  6. on a farm would be the BEST place!!

  7. I would love to ride my horse on the Churchill Downs racetrack. She has a lot of speed on her and it would be an absolute DREAM to run her on the legendary track.

  8. When I did have a horse, I have always...always wanted to ride bareback on the dream. Man I miss that horse, I divorced my first husband because the douche made me sell him.

  9. In Austraila, What a beautifull country

  10. I have ridden horses on the beach...My mare is a water girl and loves to walk into the ocean and paw the waves. I am lucky because I don't live in a city and I have mountains all around me. I use my horses for roundup in the fall (cattle). So I get a lot of wild west type stuff on horse back. I don't think it is so much 'where' I would go as how long I would be gone. I pack one horse and ride the other to go camping. I would like to not have a time that I HAD to be back home. I would be gone for as long as the chocolate lasted. ; )

  11. when I die I'd want to ride him into heaven! I wish we lived in the old days and everyone rode their horses everywhere!

  12. Bareback in the warm waters of a beautiful beach

  13. I've been lucky...

    I've ridden MY horse on beaches...daylight and nightime.

    In the deserts...

    In the mountains...

    In the plains...

    I would love to go from the Pacific to the Atlantic.  Zigzagging all over the United States.  Or maybe follow the Outlaw Trail.  Or even the Continental Divide.

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