
If you could run for president....?

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What would you change? Can't say gas prices!! And if you say the problems with Iraq... then why?

Try and think of things that affect your own life... Things in your community or State.




  1. If I could be president then I guess I would stop the war, try and help the us more then every one else, take care of the homless and poor, make sure every one has a home in america,  make our schools better , have things for teens to do that they dont have to pay a fortune to do maybe it would help with some of the kids who get into trouble.there are so many more things I would do, but I wont ever be president but if I were that is where I would start

  2. I'd run on fear and suspicion

    Then, once president, I would disband the congress, put loyal toadies in charge of the supreme court and in all key military positions, then declare myself dictator for life, and rule with an iron fist.

    You didn't ask if you thought I could get elected on this platform.

    EDIT- I'd vote for Golden Buffalo, you can't lose with the "more circuses" platform

  3. I would be the most racist person ever and friends with Hamas and Al Queda and other terrorist networks like Obama so I can win.

  4. I'd bomb the other countries that don't get along with us such as iraq and iran they harbor terrorists.  I would allow off shore drilling for oil here in the usa so america doesn't need to be dependent on other countries.  Also I would cut the spending we do overseas and use that money here where it's needed most.

    No tax breaks for the rich either the middle class and lower class will get all the breaks.  Testing would not be done on animals we will use the prisoners for such experiments only those prisoners that have murdered and raped and molested children will undergo experiments to find cures for many diseases and we have plenty of prisoners thru out the country.

  5. 1. I would change the immigration system to be fair and expedient for people who want to be here legally, and I would get anyone who does not want to be here legally out of here.

    2. I would change the education system so that teachers are highly paid and that they need to become re-certified every year so that we are sure to have the highest quality educators for our young people.

    3. I would change the culture of celebrity so that sports players and performers are not so highly paid (so I could give more money to the teachers), and that our culture is not obsessed with celebrity and fame.

  6. First thing I would do is place a heavy tax on any and every American companie that is outsourced and taking away the jobs of the American People...

    second thing I would do is make sure that all Americans get health care, if we stop paying for all the illegals health cares and living expenses in the welfare system then a good majority of our kids even adults could get the attention deserved from the money our tax's provide.

    Third to cut down on cost I would make sure that when you went to the DMV the only driving book or forms are printed in ENGLISH only since that is how our highway system is set up.

  7. Don't know if I'd have the power to change this, but it's what I think should change....

    Alter the political field of the 2 power based parties & making everyone independant.  Therefore the person representing their area is truly responsible for those who elected them & not feel allegiant to their party.

  8. If I wanted to affect things in my community or state I would not run for President. I would run for a local or state office. It's amazing how out of touch many are. "I only vote in the Presidential Election" is a common phrase. But, with a nod to a big time credit card company, I ask you "Who's in your wallet?" More likely your local and/or state officials. The Presidential Election is extremely important, but so are the state and local elected officials to the individual. Get out and vote in EVERY election for which your are qualified to vote.

  9. I would do my best to roll back government control of those things that private organizations and corporations can deliver better. Although I am realistic and understand the bureaucracy would be against it.

  10. If I could run for President......I wouldn't.

  11. I'd outlaw lobbyists, and prevent special interest groups from having too much influence over Congress and the election process.  I'd make campaign finance reform a reality.

    No more pork barrel projects in government spending.  Everyone in government would be held accountable.  I'd cut all non-essential programs that are wasteful.

    I'd give big incentives to foreign countries to help us capture or kill terrorists.  The whole world would share intelligence on terrorism, and it would mostly be the job of law enforcement all over the world to help stop terrorism.

    The tax system would be simple and fair, and everyone would benefit.

  12. more better paying jobs, more circuses,

  13. the war bcause gas prices ar as high as da sky daug!

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