
If you could run your own business? What would it be? And why?

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If you could run your own business? What would it be? And why?




  1. I would have a graphic design firm because I love graphic design and putting things together in photo shop and Im going to college to study graphic design as well.

  2. I would volunteer to help anyone in any way that I could.

  3. I'd love to breed dogs or some sort of Animal maybe??

    Why?? coz i hate working with people who drive me nuts!!!!!!

  4. i would have a huge line of stores that had clothes & accessories in. :D

  5. i would kidnap complete strangers and stick them inside a giant cube with shifting rooms and let them run around in there while secretly video taping them, and then i would sell the tapes as movie called 'cube' and let the world be entertained by those peoples misfortunes while thinking its all just fiction.

    then i would make two sequels...trying to involve a little bit of a plot...

  6. ...a brothel over a bar and grill...

    ...everyone needs, to be love, fed, drunk and festive...

  7. I'd love to do something with dogs ie. Rescue service, training or dog walking (When I'm older I'm gonna do that as a job) . I'd love just anything to do with dogs because I just adore dogs! I am against animal cruelty and abandonment etc.

    Another idea would be a business that people could come and be healed from their illness because it would help terminally ill people.

    I set up a mini compant in school for a competition, and I got 2nd place in the Junior category in the whole county.

  8. i would like an bus company, never go short of anything. everyone uses a bus!

  9. I would run a university. I have always dreamed of schools for universal cultural beliefs, accept every similar thinking student, and as a mission, make its graduates pave the way for a more humanitarian world to live in for future generations.

  10. I would be a starving artist!

    If that's not really a business, then..I would sell the art of many starving artists. Why? Because art is my passion and I want people to be able to see the world as I do through my art, and other artists as well.

  11. I would run a hospital.

    But I would want to be a doctor as well.

    I like science and saving people's lives, that is why I saw this as the perfect job.

    Snow Man

  12. "Human fulfillment." You got it, you sell it, you still have it!

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