
If you could say anything to Casey Anthony, what would your words to her be?

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If you could say anything to Casey Anthony, what would your words to her be?




  1. she really doesn't deserve to have any of the attention that she's seeking and i would try to just ignore her...but, it would still be very hard to not at least say "baby killer" as i walked by her.

  2. I could say alot to her..but she isnt going to listen or even care.. If she did, she would of already told her mom and authorties where the little girl is at.. but no use wasting my time on her,... just pray that the little one will be found...

  3. This girl is not normal, there are no words to get to her.  so i would say

                           "God bless your soul".

  4. Who is she? I'm english, so not heard of her

    Ok, so i've just read about her and i think i'd have to ask her..

    Where she put the body and why did she do it

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