
If you could see the future, would you?

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If you could look into the future, and you could see every moment of your life until death, would you?




  1. No.

  2. NO!  Life's hard enough without knowing the rest of it!  I'm REALLY REALLY trying hard to focus on the present and stop looking at the past.  My kids will be all grown up and I'll miss it.  If I could see into the future I still wouldn't be looking in the present.  All that matters is NOW (am I sounding convinced?!)

  3. I can. I would, and its still playing out. Because of buffering problems, its playing out in real time though.

  4. Yes, because the future is a set of tendencies. There isn't one future only but an immense range of future possibilities. Thus, I'd be able to change whatever I thought I'd better (at least things that depended mostly on myself).

    EDIT: Oh, and I could easily win the lottery, lol!

  5. no way i like the misstree of it all....

  6. no then you'll know everything that will happen next every step a surprise, but i might because i don't want to get into any accidents so I'm kind-of taking both.

  7. well not really that would be kind of boring and would take up life ime so no but it would be cool to have control of the time. lol write back

  8. maybe...i would have to think about iot for a while.

  9. Maybe....

  10. no,  becuase you really cant and it would take the fun out of life

  11. no i wouldnt like it,everythin happens for a reason, nd if ppl knew their future they would probably wanna change it if it wasnt gd...

  12. No because it would take up all my time until i die so there would be no point.

  13. I think I would but i would choose to stop when I want because some things are better left unknown and I don't think that the future is set because every day you make decisions that alter that destiny.

  14. i'm thinking i don't want to know, and that i should just discover what will happen.

    but i'm sure there are moments when i'm dying to know.

  15. no thanks

  16. NO. If I could see the future, that would mean the future was preordained and fixed in concrete just as the past is and there would be no such thing as free will. Knowing that every decision I was going to make already had a predetermined outcome would drive me insane from boredom. What would be the point in buying a lottery ticket if you knew you would always lose?

  17. No coz it sucks all the fun out of it n there's no thrill in life if u know wats gonna happen

  18. Nope.

    I want to live life by surprise.

  19. no because if it was bad i would know i couldnt change it and if it was good there wouldnt be any surprise :)

  20. yes & no lol

  21. well if i could just see it and not do anything about what was going to happen or change anything then i would have to say no... cuz i would just take my life as i came at me and enjoyed it till i died but...

    if i could do stuff to change it then i prob. would but i would have to think about everything i was changing to make sure it was actually gonna turn out good... so idk its a throw-up  

  22. no.  life would be so boring after that, knowing EVERYthing

  23. It sounds like a simple question, but it isn't.

    If you look into the future and see every moment of your life until death, does that mean it's all pre-ordained?  

    Would you try to change any of the things that were going to happen?  And could you?

  24. I see the future every day.

  25. I don't like to see my future because there will be no excitement in my life anymore if i see what will happen next, but if i could i would try to change things which are not connected to my future like saving other people's lives!

  26. i already know how the world will end. is that not enough?

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