
If you could share a seat next to a famous celeb on a flight - who would it be ? ?

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I'd love to share a seat aboard a flight with Johnny Vegas - the british comedian, i'd be laughing all the way to my destination and of course me and Johnny would drink as much beer as we could and get rat assed.

Who would you love to sit next to on a plane then ?




  1. Kurt Russell or Samuel L Jackson, because if there were trouble or snakes on the plane I'd feel safe :-)

  2. Michael Moore or Howard Stern.......and then I would f**t the whole time!!!

  3. Shah Rukh Khan !!!! ('King Khan' the biggest Moviestar on earth)

    Once in my lifetime I hope to be recognized by him....

  4. Vin Diesel - so he could tell me all about Fast and the Furious 4 - Plus he's HOT!

  5. francesc fabregas probably or some one else any one really cos they all famous

  6. Barbara Walters.The stories she could tell about all the people she's met.

  7. If you could share a seat next to a famous celeb on a flight - who would it be

  8. Billy Connolly, though of course unless he wanted to speak to me i would respect his privacy but i would hope that he would be friendly and maybe tell a few jokes, i think the guy is a genius.

  9. Tom Welling!!! 'cause he is sooo freaking hot!  

  10. bono, i would sit on his lap lol forget about next to.. ;)

  11. joe jonas!!!

    hes so cute!

    and if not him then miley cyrus.......i need to talk to her, u know like a conversation.....!!!

  12. I think Jay Leno would be fun to talk to for an hour or two...

  13. jesse mccartney !

  14. joe jonas!! dude hes freakin hott

  15. Carrot top

    I f-ing love the guy

    hes hilarious and hes cute and got a fine bod!

    after the plane ride though, i want to go where ever he was going!

  16. it would have to Robert PLant, Led Zeppelin legend, even though i have met him before i would love to spend the time with him just to talk

  17. David Archuleta, i would love talking to him for a couple hours, hes also really funny and he is gorgeous :)

  18. uh Chester from linkin Park

    jonas bros suck balls

  19. jojo


    lil wayne

  20. Like..Nick Jonas. So like we could like make out like the whole time..  =O

    No.....Gerard Way.. because that would be so freakin' cool..I would do his make up. =D Not to mention..uh...He is FINE!

  21. a famous pilot

  22. joe jonas!!

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