
If you could spend one more day with someone you've lost, who would it be?

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If you could spend one more day with someone you've lost, who would it be?

Not necessarily someone dead, but maybe someone you've lost touch with.

I'd spend one last day with my Grandpop. I've been wanting to show him how much I've changed and grown since the last time we saw each other. I think that he would like what he saw. Maybe even more than the little grandaughter he fell in love with.




  1. With God. I have never seen him. And I'am very much serious about it.

  2. my former best friend who decided to smoke crack and mess up his life

  3. my husband bob as he died oct 3rd 2007 of cancer  bob i love and miss you  

  4. Our son. Its been five and a half years since he died and I still think about him every single day.

  5. It would be my husband that passed away 3 months ago.We were married for 30 years. Baby I will love you forever.

  6. It would have to be my mother who passed 3 yrs ago.  Of course there are others in my life that are just as important.

  7. I'd spend it with my late Fiancee. I'd like a chance to say good-bye, to see him smile, to take a picture of us dancing together (we did dance classes) and I'd like him to meet my common law husband oddly enough.

  8. My Grandfather. To tell him I went "home" and thanks for pink roses.

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