
If you could spend the day with anyone, living or dead...?

by  |  earlier

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Who would it be, and why?

Try to pick non-pop stars (eg miley cyrus / jonas brothers) and pick someone with, I dunno, some substance...




  1. my 1st choice would be a deceased family member

    then it would be a good night out with amy whinehouse,what a night out that would be.

  2. Jesus Christ, my God and Savior.

  3. the living one.  

  4. heh at first i was gonna pick miley so i could spend the day beating her up until she died...then noone would have to worry about her anymore but nah i wouldnt be able to do that as im nice and i dont like confrontation.

    ok seriously, i pick my dead grandma because i miss her and i could talk to her and update her about what she missed. besides, she was fun. i could never be bored with her around.

    only one day tho? that sucks

  5. Jesus would be cool.

    I'd like to see if he REALLY said all that he was supposed to.

  6. with my crush, i dont want to stalk him , he works in my hometown at this restaraunt , i can come in and eat but i dont know, i just dont want to stalk him, i want him to look for me, or us to bump into each other but idk, i just dnt kno

  7. God, all of my loved ones who have passed away, Audrey Hepburn, Drew Barrymore, anyone who does a lot of charity work and helps others on a daily basis maybe someone like Mother Theresa, anyone who would make me feel comfortable and make me laugh the whole day.

  8. Edgar Allen Poe

    His work created an artistic spark within me and got me to start writing. I'd just love to spend the day with someone who gave me the desire to pursue an interest.

  9. Jesus Christ - I think it's self-explanatory.

  10. my best friend Alex.  she goes to school out of state now so i'm lucky if i see her twice a year.

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