
If you could sum up all the essential info about french culture in a paragraph, what would it be?

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I am a stupid american, who is going to france in a week and does'nt know the first thing about french people. can you help me?




  1. If you could sum up american essential culture in a paragraph, what would it be? that s not an easy question!!!

    I don t think we are so different of the rest of the world!!!!

    I think if you give the slightest effort on putting few easy french word(bonjour, merci, s il vous plait,just the basic)when you meet people, they might appreciate it!!!  

    It all depends where about you go to france and for wich purpose!!!

    I think it s the same whereever you go, just stay open minded to what you see and hearand things will just be fine!!!

  2. French culture in my opinion is and was major in these fields :









          gastronomy & wines

          created the major french and european ballets

          haute couture


          industrial design

    French culture can be forgotten :

           in  music

                song & vocal

                opera - The best ones being the germans, italians and


                popular music - today in that field France is a desert

    I fear that the very extensive way you use the word  "culture" leads to misunderstandings

  3. I agree w/ Kim G: we are Normal!! our culture is not that different! and we DON'T ALL EAT FROGS!!^^ (Hate 'em actually!!^^). the most important thing is to be kind w/ people and so they'll be kind w/ you. Show them that you make an effort to try to speak french and seek things that are not very touristic to show that you're interested in the culture! Try food. TV sucks here, like music but you'll be able to ear American music too so.... and by the way: you're not stupid 'coz you try to know things about the place you're going to... that means something! anyway: WELCOME TO FRANCE (and excuse me for my mistakes!!)

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