
If you could take 5 things to a deserted island would what you take?

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u can't have a boat, cell phne, any contact to anybody what so ever, no tents or houses or shelters,no food or water.




  1. my pets!

    a lifetime supply of pet food



    food for me

  2. 1) A boat to get off the island

    2) Food

    3) Water

    4) iPod

    5) Bible

  3. 1. A BOAT

    2. Gas for the boat

    3. Clothes to wear on the boat

    4. My BFF to drive the boat

    5. Mouth wash.

  4. a lot of paper and pencil

    a 34 case of toliet paper.

    10 gallons of fresh drinking water.

    a LARGE box of matches.

    a book on how to not die on an island.

  5. 1. my leatherman

    2. a hatchet

    3. some versatile clothing

    4. a large sheet of sturdy canvas, or tarp

    5. soap on a rope (don't wanna lose it!)

  6. 1) alot of food

    2) my mom

    3) my laptop

    4) my ipod

    5) tons of money$$$$

    :  )

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