
If you could take a break from your friends/family/work/study for two weeks- where would you go?

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what would you do?




  1. Sharm el

    mm..or to paris some where were i know none of my friends or family are.

  2. turkey

  3. Lay on the beach n look to the sky either its day or night and free my mind from everything.

  4. Funny you ask this question because I was thinking about this today.  I would go to Paris.  I would go shopping, walk around the city, go to the cafes or just sitting somewhere and observe the people while thinking about my life, thanking God for my life and seeing if there are any changes that need to be made when I go back home.

  5. wk 1 would be spent in japan riding the subway aimlessly around as I explore and eat.  I particularly enjoyed the surrounding area of ueno park zoo w/ its performers in various corners...also, the gardens + tea houses are relaxing places for wandering minds.  this is the one place i've been to that I feel as if my personal space weren't invaded + feel more clear minded.  

    wk2 would be sepent in a SMALL town like the place where I'm at right now... I'm in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by farm land and a good sized lake.  I relax by napping when I want without feeling guilty about being unproductive, drinking my smoothies + reading on the porch in a hammock.  it's great to not be disrupted by noise since all I can hear is crickets and birds.  Even if I want this solitude to be interrupted takes too much effort.  there's 0 mobile reception and wireless internet where the house is at.  I have to make great effort to get wireless signals, so  i instead just leave it alone and find comfort that i have an "acceptable" excuse for those trying to get a hold of me.  anyhow,  sampling rural life can be yummy (tried a white chocolate almond cocoa drink, roasted pecans, pickled foods and jams of all sorts for the first time today!).  but kansas state university is just 20 mins. away and has all the bookstores and typical amenities I'd want found in univ. areas when I feel the need to stop living in isolation. I will try to horseback ride in 3 days @a holistic healing type ranch, so that's what I would/shall do.  Plus I will hopefully start exercising again b.c. all this inactivity has made me feel unhealthy (+ I will really be put to work soon since I'm supposed to be working now!  but I created a mental vacation for myself instead =)

  6. antartica, really.

  7. To place which contain sea,few number of people and you can become alone there also no body know you

  8. Greece with a bunch of novels , and couple of new perfumes .

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