
If you could take up a cause what would it be? Pollution? Smoking? Traffic? Immigration? Child abuse?

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If not one of these the what really bugs you that you would want the world to know about?




  1. Assisted suicide.

    We are bankrupting our health care system and causing pointless suffering by forcing people to accept expensive treatments that only postpone the inevitable.

  2. smoking, i am currently smoking for my cause.

  3. Animal neglect. I'm a huge animal lover

  4. Getting the bloated regulatory government out of my face and world.

  5. Child abuse.

    "Societies that don't obey the rule 'Women and children first' deny the past and have no future"

    Robert Heinlein

  6. Well to be honest, I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem. A cause that is overlooked a lot is older child adoption. When I say older I mean five and up. There are plenty of people who want little newborns. Not that many people are looking for a twelve year old to adopt. I can say this because I have been adopted twice. Once when I was two, and again when I was twelve. I lived in an orphanage from eight to twelve. There where a lot of kids older than me that never got adopted. I was one of the lucky ones. Lets take a look at the few causes you listed. Pollution- It is going to happen whether we like it or not. The only thing we can do is try to minimize it. We (the US) has grown to a country of convenience. If it is a product that makes our lives more convenient, then we are less likely to oppose the effect it has on our environment. Cell phones are horrible on the environment when it comes time to get rid of them in landfills. Smoking- Sure it costs the insurance companies and taxpayers billions a year in health care for smokers. But it is one of our liberties to slowly kill ourselves. Ingesting to much sugar or carbohydrates will kill you too, but I don't see the government taking Cocoa Sugar Smacks of the cereal isle anytime soon. Traffic- What is there to do about traffic. Sure the cars with more than one occupant can ride in the carpool lane and get there faster, but at what speed are they traveling and what effect does the extra weight have on the fuel milleage? Immigration- This is a hot topic lately. This country is full of immigrants both legal and illegal. There is no way of stopping ALL illegal immigration as long as money is involved. We cant stop millions of tons of drugs crossing our borders, how are we going to stop people? Child abuse- This issue came out of the shadows in the late 70's. Now of course there is a difference between abuse and discipline. Child abuse still happens today but is often overlooked. Child abuse should not be allowed in todays society. But the government needs to let the parents discipline their children within reason or we end up with disrespectful kids. Well those same disrespectful kids grow up and dont care about pollution, or the effects of smoking on others health or their own, they drive around smogging up the cities in cars they cant afford, they complain about illegal immigrants taking their jobs because they didnt do well in school so they have to settle for a low paying job, then they get stressed at this low paying job and go home and abuse the children. Sounds like a cycle that started a long time ago, doesnt it?

  7. Global warming. It's quite possibly the worst problem humanity faces today, and yet most people have no idea how bad things are. The press would rather focus on Britney, and right-wing politicians would rather demagogue $4/gallon gasoline, which has left the politicians on the left scared and afraid to speak out.

  8. Pollution

  9. Overpopulation. I'd happily spend my days beating some sense into anyone who can't see the correlation between their 17 brats (well, anything over 2 really) overpopulation and global warming

  10. Racism! The worst!

  11. All are good causes.

    For me it would be smoking.

    I have smoked for 43 years and beg young kids to never start.

    When I try to quit my body goes into shock and I have to go to the ER!

    Smoking is nasty, will kill you and ruin your life.

  12. 1. Child Abuse

    2. Health Care

    3. Immigration

    4. Pollution

    5. Traffic

    6. Smoking

    In that order.

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