
If you could teach your cat to say one word or phrase what would it be?

by Guest66894  |  earlier

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If you could teach your cat to say one word or phrase what would it be?




  1. I need to go out side...

  2. I'd LOVE our cat to march up to my lazy daughter and say,

    "Oy - clean out my poo-box NOW, it's absolutely disgustingly smelly, and you should do this little job without your poor mother having to nag you about it all the freaking time!"

    *SIGH* I can only dream...

    Cheers KitKat!

    Hafwen x

  3. "I hate Dogs".

  4. "I hate people"

  5. "I need to go to the vet."  ^..^

  6. "*****, your my slave, now make me an apple pie!"

  7. I don't know but I'm high-tailing it on outta the cats section, there's an angry mob after!

  8. "I gotta go poopie or peepie"

  9. "I'm sorry for knocking that stuff of the counter, please don't kill me."

    I'm just kidding.

  10. "hey poody tat!"

  11. "Step Away from the computer"!

  12. My owner has a huge c**k!

  13. the cats name!!! has to be said many times a day while giving a pet on the head and when feeding, 2 months time she or he will learn when calling!

  14. thufferin' thuckatash

  15. i love you! hahhaha

  16. tickle my belly mummy

    time to go to bed

    i love you mummy :P

  17. when i get theyre food i would teach them 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 liftoff astronat foody we have a liftof and they would  poke the floor if it was a bunch of random colorful buttons.

  18. "turn on animal planet please."

  19. MAMA! (seriously)

  20. "I need the fur-ball meds, now!"

    LOL! She is always throwing up from fur-balls! Disgusting!


  21. ``This is what I want.``

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