
If you could tell your deepest secret(s) to ONE person, who would it be and why?

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I know most of us will probably go to our grave with our deepest secret. However, if given the chance to get it off your mind for one day, who would you tell and why?




  1. My best friend.. she knows everything.. and she is also the only person from whom I really accept criticism.. because I have known her since I was 9 years old and she was 7.. Now I am 45 and she is 43.. that's a long time of friendship.. I have done a lot of things in my life I maybe shouldn't have.. but she only gives me her opinion and tells me I have done a lot of bull.... and then she forgets about it and we move on and I can do the same with her.. if I feel in any way there is something I don't like she does.. I tell her.. tell her without judging her as a person but I can be open to her and tell her I don't think that was a good idea at all and also told her things in my life I have messed up..  then she told me.. ''get a grip on yourself you are not a teenager anymore... but she doesn't condemn me for what I did.. she is my friend no matter what and I am hers..  no matter what I tell her.. that is what you can do when you have been friend for over 30 years then it's unlikely you break up a friendship over trivial things or even if you have a disagreement.. you may do that when you are younger. I had fights with her as well when we were kids and we said.. ok we aren't friends anymore.. but it never lasted for longer than a week and one of us apologized and it alternated sometimes it was me and sometimes her but we didn't bear grudges but we fell out for a short time.. but never for any lenght of time.. xx

  2. My therapist, because that's what she there for. I'm starting to open up more and hope one day to let it all out. It would be better for me.

    I thought at first it would be my mom, because she so easy going and would never judge me, then I thought it may hurt her feelings to know this secret.

    Take care

  3. My brother, who is also my best friend.

    He knows a lot of my secrets anyway.

  4. I'll tell my best best best best-est friend! because you wouldn't want to tell your parents or a family member, because their related to you!

    but a best best best-est friend is the best reliable, comfortaning, loving sister you choose!!  

  5. My husband.

  6. Probably a complete stranger... You'll never see them again (hopefully) and it's not like they can go tell the people you know, because they don't know who you are.  While they might remember what you look like, they won't know your name.  

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