
If you could travel across time. who would you meet?

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If you could travel across time. who would you meet?




  1. I'd go to the Haight-Ashbury in 1968

  2. I would go back in time to Vienna, Austria in 1905, find Hitler, and kill him.  

  3. I would love to meet Teddy Roosevelt. He did so much during his lifetime:

    He made the Panama Canal possible; he was a great conservationist and started the National Parks system. He was head of the Navy, mayor of NYC, governor of New York, Vice-President, President. He won the Nobel Peace prize for mediating the Russo-Japanese war. He rode with the Rough Riders. He cleaned up NYC police corruption. Much more...

    Plus, He was a good father and had a loving family. I read once that when you visited him in the White House you could expect children to be running up the stairs and playing hide and seek in the dining room and that laughter filled the house.

    He had a great attitude in life and was a go-getter that didn't let illness (asthma) get him down. He had a positive attitude and that's what counts in life. When he was dying he said he had no regrets.

    Plus, the Teddy bear was named after him!

    I can't think of a more interesting person to meet.

  4. I'd go to early 1960s Hamburg and see the Beatles before they were famous.  

  5. i would meet prophet

    Mohamed the last messenger of god and the greatest person in the history of man kind

  6. Jesus the son of God :)  

  7. to see my roots ,how my fam started

  8. i would go meet Jesus. I would meet Samuel Adams. I would like to meet Robert E. Lee.

  9. Emperor Constantine and Byzantine Empire.

    If that option was out then Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor.  

  10. Nikola Tesla ,the greatest Serbian-born inventor.

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