
If you could travel anywhere in the galaxy, where would it be?

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I would also want to go to the center of the galaxy and see if there's a black hole...and then I would dive right into




  1. The other side, of which we know very little.

  2. The nearest planet that would support human life would do very nicely. Just let me get off of this one! Too many monkeys walking around thinking they're human.

  3. just outside it.... really, tho, straight up from the dead center, as high above it as it is wide.... so I could look down and see it all spread out below me, in all it's glory!!...what a sight that would be, eh?....

  4. Probably go to some exo-planet.

  5. Eh, probably Europe. They have indoor plumbing AND oxygen there. Can't beat that.  

  6. the centre of the earth

  7. Some nice little earth-like moon that has mountains & trees and reminds me of an alpine mountain setting, there would be waterfalls and hidden mountain valley's where the streams would have crystal clear water and flow into secluded mountain lakes, there would be lots of caverns to go exploring in and the planet would have very little earth quakes so the moon would a calm peaceful place to live.

  8. I would want to visit another planet that can support life in a different solar system. Where there are "aliens". I'm curious.

  9. I would love to travel throughout the galaxy.  The problem that I see with that idea is the fact that I really don't know what is out there.  I would want to visit another planet similar to earth and visit other beings but I would also like to check out black hole binary systems or the center of the galaxy if I could do it safely.  Just in our solar system we are so cut off from everything else.  We may be able to look at it through a telescope but it really is a mystery to what's out there.

  10. If it could sustain life, Jupiter and its amazing moons!

  11. My home country.

  12. erm... probably the dead center.  
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