
If you could travel back in time, what event would you visit?

by Guest64583  |  earlier

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If a time traveller offered to allow you to visit and participate in a historic event in the past, what event would you choose?

What would you do at this event?




  1. IDK

  2. Great Fire of London............?

  3. the birth of jesus - talk about a "live nativity"

    i would love to hold baby jesus in my arms and hug him!

  4. the birth of Christ

  5. When the first ever human was more or less my age.

    Assuming this time travel also let me speak they're language.

  6. Probably 20-30 years ago

    play the stock market

  7. I would witness whatever made the Mayan culture fall and disappear. I'd probably be swiped away with it, but at least I'd know.

  8. The crucifiction and resurrection.

    If I could, take a lot of video.

  9. i would like to see gladiators fighting in Colosseum. the most horrible thing Italians had enjoyed at that time.

  10. when guitar hero creators made guitar hero areosmith and made guitar hero ac/dc

  11. I would go to 1254 to just see the world and warn them about golbal warming

  12. go back to '96 to see how this my hero  was killed or if it was a theory.

    Or I'd go back to the last hours of einstein and hear his last words

  13. I would choose to get in the tardis and beam myself to the 1920's. And go and watch Don Juan, the first feature length movie.

  14. I would travel back to each stage in the geologic time scale, starting from the beginning of life, to witness how life evolved and what the Earth looked like as various times.

  15. when sushi was invented!

  16. stop lincoln and kennedy murders

  17. The Holocaust.  Sounds gory though.  I would just bring loads of food to help the desperately starving and warn them about the things the n***s are going to do to them...(like the gas chambers.)  I'd be their hero.

    I also think the same as SunShine above...F*** you Hitler!

  18. I have often dreamed that I was on board the Titanic.  I wake when my body hits the freezing water.  This has happened many times to me, and it comes with an awful terror which reverberates within me for days.  I first had this dream as a five year old.

    I would like to revisit that scene.

    I would like to see the events of the night of April 14, 1912 - if possible without the personal terror...

    (Side note: Ironically, I am the only person I know who actually ran, by mistake, into the last six survivors when I attended a showing of "Night to Remember" at a tiny theater in Brookline Massachusetts - I ended up sitting in the only remaining seat in the theater, at the end of the aisile where all the survivors were sitting.  Colossal mishap?  Maybe not!...)

  19. I would like to visit two events: when Jesus is supposed to come out after being dead (I would just wait outside the tomb to see if it's true or not, if it's not then I would write the gospel according to Amarilis even though I'm sure it would not make the cut for the Bible!) and when the first evolved humans lived.

  20. The cruixfiction of Jesus Christ

  21. I would want to be there for the birth of Jesus. I would also want to be there on April 1, 1984 at Marvin Gaye's house, just before his father shot him to death. Only because I would want to prevent Marvin Gaye, Sr. from killing his son.

  22. for the people who said that they want to see the ''crucifiction and resurrection of jesus'' he asked ''If you could travel back in time'' as in it had to of acually happened.

    the bible was written by the same people who said the earth was flat, and the sun revolved around the earth.

    so keep your religious opinions in the same place your god exists ALL IN YOUR MIND

  23. i would go back to when hitler was alive and chop his balls off

  24. I would go back to the time when Jesus was crucified to try and stop the plot.Then i will ask Jesus how the universe was created and all the things i want to ask him about life.

    The other place i would go is when the universe was created.I am so curios of how it formed.It will answer all my questions about it and stop the debate about it among scientists.

  25. if im given that opportunity i would go visit adam and eve, and prevent eve from eating the forbidden fruit! its  for the sake of humanity because in eden garden there is no famine and everyone dont have problems with their everyday lives. there will be no beggars right now and no one is starving! haha!! ^_^

  26. dinosaur time.. haha id steal an egg and raise da dinosaur and it would protect me from other dinosaurs and id raise it to be king-like.. haha

  27. It isn't an event that would be of much interest to the rest of the world... But I would love to be a fly on the wall when my great great grandfather discussed with his (first) wife... the idea of migrating to Australia .....

    The arrived in December 1852... I'd love to know how they convinced themselves to be so brave to leave family and the familiar behind and to travel across the world ....

    Sadly for his first wife she passed away after four years, he then married the woman who was to become my great-great grandmother....

    I'd just watch and listen... and silently say THANK-YOU!!

  28. it would be the crucifixion of jesus christ.

  29. i wud go to when the lizzy borden thing happened cuz i want to c if she really killed her family or not.

    fyi good question

  30. when they invented the first car.

  31. I would love to dosome of the following things:

    1) Be there when Jesus LIVED, because I don't know if I could stand seeing him crucified.

    2) Paris, France right after the Eiffel Tower was just built, and new.

    3) Ireland during the famine, for two reasons:

         a)so I could see some of my ancestors

         b)so I could just bring this HUGE potatoe sack, to help out with tht famine (but not too much that my ancestors don't come to America, because I love McDonalds :-P)

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