
If you could travel back in time...and be back same day..where would you go ?

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If you could travel back in time...and be back same day..where would you go ?




  1. i would go back to mid-evil times and stop myself from spending money on that c**p

  2. Year 8000. I want to see if faster then light travel has been made possible.

  3. Ok well I just finished watching 3:10 to Yuma, and it got me thinking I would like to go to the Old West. I just really like the anonymity. I like that you can show up in a town, and say you are anyone, and nobody has any reason not to believe you. At any time you can start a new life, or try something new. I realize its like this in every time period up until recently, but the Old West had certain modern day amenities. In other words its the most modern setting in which you could take advantage of this. Nowadays, everyone has a picture ID, social security records, all sorts of things. I would miss 2008. but if i could return here, I would love the experience!

  4. i'd travel back to my childhood and kill my parents before they had a chance to do the **** they did. i'd also take a book of all the winning lotto numbers with me and give it to myself as a gift

  5. I wpuld travel to the 1970's so i could know my grandparents because i didn't know neither set because both died before i was born.

  6. normandy bridge june 6, 1944.

  7. i would go back to when i stopped going to school and convince myself to keep going that its better then being at home all day

  8. back to my childhood days

  9. October 8, 1995. I'd make sure I didn't get hit by that car. My entire life took a left turn that day. I'd like to look and feel the way I would if that wreck had never happened.

  10. I would travel back to Superbowl Sunday and put a huge bet on the Giants.

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