
If you could travel back in time to observe one historical event what would it be?

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  1. I'd like to be in the audience to see Elvis's first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show.

  2. I'm sure i've answered this q before.

    The assassination of President Kennedy to see if Lee Harvey Oswald did it.

  3. I'd take my digital camera back in time and a take a picture of Jesus, then post it the internet to show the world that he wasn't white!

  4. Hm... I would say going back to London 1888 to witness Jack the Rippers murders (not literally, ew) to find out who he really was and why he did what he did, because no one knows it's a big mystery.

    I would want to go back and see what Jesus really did to heal that blind guy. Also Elizabeth I beating the Spanish Armada... or seeing Mozart write his music... or seeing Marie-Antoinettes head fall off... lol I would love to go back in time.

    And as for witnessing the signing of the Declaration of Independence, not everyone signed it on the same day. But I get the point =)

  5. I'd like to video the big bang, and put it on YouTube with the title "Vatican proven wrong. Again."

  6. The signing of the Declaration of Independance, becuase it is probably ther most single important event in our history.

  7. WW2

  8. I would like to meet the man who invented the wheel, someone with original ideas,  and be present when he had his eureka moment

  9. shoot...just one?  I have a few that I couldn't decide on.

    Jesus rising from the dead.


    WWII would be cool too...but scary, with my luck I would end up in Japan seconds before the bomb dropped.  

  10. Jesus bringing a dead person back to life.

  11. See Jesus and everything in ww2.

  12. the beginning of civilization cos i want to see how it started    

  13. This is actually really hard .. only one >.<

    ... I think it would be interesting to see what was still happening in the minutes before WW1 ended.  It would also be nice to see the cease-fire.

  14. The moment of my conception.

    I always wanted to know if it was really the milkman :-)

    Seriously - just before the big bang. Anyone who saw that would understand more about the universe than anyone alive, especially if there wasn't a big bang at all.

  15. Maybe back to the Egyptian period, when i went to the pyramids i was completely blown away, or the roman era had always interested me. or the building of the great wall of china! cool question! x

  16. World War II - European Theatre - 8th A.A.F.

    D-Day - 6 June 1944.

    VE Day in London.

    VJ Day in New York City.

  17. World War 2... Its like watching awesome big budget hollywood movie...

  18. I'll say the 1527-1533 when Catherine of Aragon's and Henry VIII's annulment proceedings took place.

  19. The Battle of Waterloo. It shaped Europe up to and including today !

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