
If you could travel through time, when and where would you go and what would you do when you got there?

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If you could travel through time, when and where would you go and what would you do when you got there?




  1. I would go back to the 22nd December 2000, they day my dad died and say all the things i should have said and didn`t.

  2. Well i would go forward 25 years, you see i have14 great grandchildren, and ,as i am 79, i would dearly love to see how they turn out. bless em.

  3. I'd go back to two minutes ago before I started answering this question and tell myself to not bother.

  4. Id Write down All the Famous Songs Now and Go back then Write and Sing them myself :P and become Famous!!

  5. I would go back in time to where my dad and mum were still together and meet him finally, have a few words with him and probably stop him from doing a few things, shout at him and swing at him :)

  6. Go back to just before my Mum died and let her hold my daughter one last time.

  7. i would go back to christmas eve 1973, the excitment never been the same since if only i could live it again,  

  8. I'd go back to 1865 and yell for Abe to "DUCK!!"

  9. If I could, I'd go back to London in the 1880's, and hang out with Oscar Wilde.  

  10. I'd write down when a big Lotto draw was, and what the winning numbers were, then I'd travel to a few days before the draw and play those numbers!

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