
If you could turn your ex into a pea what would you do to them?

by Guest33433  |  earlier

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If you could turn your ex into a pea what would you do to them?




  1. stick them up my nose.

    No ok, maybe not.  I'd probably eat them, because I rather like peas.

  2. put it in the blender then feed it to my dogs

  3. spit it out into shark infested water over the sunshine sky way in Fla.

  4. I would put them (I have 3) in a glass case on a shelf, so that they could see how happy I am without their sorry A$$e$ around.

  5. Peel the skin off and leave it on the hot sidewalk.

  6. Roll 'em in butter

  7. mmmmm mushy peas yummy


  8. Eat it duh. It will come out as a ****. Lol. And you shouldn't waste food anyway! =D

    Or throw it to the toilet and flush.


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