
If you could understand this question like it was another?

by  |  earlier

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but couldnt know the answer as sure as you did the question,

wouldnt that be knida like liveing in a totally hanted world




  1. Erm........(thinking).........I give up, you tell me.

  2. You have the answer and don't want to admit to it.  Why did you even bother to ask.  Do you have the answer to my question yet?

  3. No matter where you go, there you are.

  4. Keep taking the medication. You may need to double the dose. Consult your doctor.

  5. so where's the other?

  6. Thats a definite maybe.

  7. ooh, heisenberg uncertainty principle.  we can either know the question or the answer, but not both at the same time, at least from what i'm getting from it.  the uncertainty principle, talks about quantum mechanics and that you can't know the position and the energy of something at the same time.  this is where we get shrodinger's cat from.  really neat idea, but not paranormal, just quantum physics.

  8. Wow, man, these pills are STRONG, aren't they?

  9. are you died? or kill anther?Its ever or Never?

  10. Agreed, but simply put the answer is the question.So given that it couldn't be another or surely the question could not be answered.

  11. it most certainly would be, not haunted so much though just a kind of "dullard drone" existence, like lyrics to a song I wrote  "feel like a zombie lost in the woods"..... "completely invisible in my own hood"...."a lone survivor of a long lost race", "in my craft where I feel safe" ..."no destiny no destination".... "traveling alone in the outer apogees of space". heh..I could do this sort of thing to every question on this site, if I had the time, but then that would cause a paradox vortex, of a question, knowing its own answer, realizing, the questions answer, WAS the answer to ITS OWN question, and SPLOIFT! all would instantly cease to exist.

  12. Sure.

  13. like totally, dude

  14. The answer is 42

  15. there is no question?

  16. It wud b like, totly CRZY!


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