
If you could visit any country which one would you visit and why???

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If you could visit any country which one would you visit and why???




  1. new zealand a guy that i still care about lives there and i would love to see him again

    blessed be

  2. switzerland. its a neutral country and it's so beautiful there. plus they have good chocolate there

  3. Personally if I had to choose, i would want to stay here in the US because I haven't seen all that much of my own country, whats the point of seeing another when im not done exploring my own. Depending on what languages you know, I would suggest if it is only English to visit the Britts. It is a different culture, but it also offers understanding and less confusion when it comes down the the traveling situation. Mexico  is also good. Low cost, and in the tourist areas there are people who speak English. There is a beach and it is supposed to be beautiful.  But I hear the non-tourist parts are truly depressing.

  4. Dubai because its amazing...or Croatia because its my homeland

  5. South Pole and North Pole... I want to give big hug to Polar Bear and sweet kisses to penguin... I love them all. Could I take one cub to my home like pet??? Maybe I will put them on my  refrigerator.

  6. Netherlands.  Amsterdam to be specific, for the obvious reason.


  8. Italy because I'm full Italian but have never been there

  9. i want to go to New Zealand and see where my great great uncles grave is his name is William Sanday.

  10. I would visit Japan. Because my favorite artists are there and also, they seem to have great culture and I love the city and lights that I've seen from the media. (could be deceiving but w/e. haha) Me and my friend are planning to do the study abroads thing at our colleges in a few years. =D Good question. xD

  11. china cuz everything their is cheap

  12. Tibet of course.  The most beautiful place on Earth and also Antarctica.

  13. italy. because it's foreign and stuff. and i really really want to taste authentic italian pizza. because pizza's my favorite food. peace

  14. i think i will visit Australia. I a cool place and u can enjoy a lot. Also the nature's beauty is at it;s best

  15. I would visit all of the 50 states.

    I was born and raised in the US and have been throughout Europe as well as Africa- yet I must say that my very own country has more than all of the others combined-

    I can go mountain climbing and white water rafting in West  Virginia, drive northward and see Niagara Falls, go eastward and see New York City- the world's most beautiful city, sleigh ride in the beautiful New England countryside, fly to Florida and enjoy America's tropical paradise, see Texas which is like 'a whole nother country', visit the Grand Canyon- Planet Earth's most amazing destination, drive towards the Rocky Mountains for two days before ever reaching them, visit Alaska, Hawaii... I mean we really do have the world's most diverse country.

    Why see the rest of the world when we have it all!

  16. Japan, for the following reasons;

    1: beautiful scenery,

    2: very advance, modern society,

    3: also very traditional society,

    4: last but not least, beautiful women

  17. ireland cuz im irish and my half sister and brother went there and i saw pictures and its very the grass is so green and beer came from there two... and like all the cliffs and stuff is so pretty and its an island and the water is so prettiful...i just want to see it myself

  18. too many. becausse i looove traveling!!!

  19. France

    Eiffel Tower

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