
If you could visit any time in history....?

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when and where would you go?




  1. Fertile crest...long long ago.  tell the women to keep agriculture to themselves.  Ya that would mess with you boys hu! No civilization!

    umm seriously, all of it?  I live in historical text...I cant pick one time frame so much to see!

    (yes the rum is out tonight)

  2. I would like to go back during the time of the founding of this country.  I find it absolutely fascinating how this country was started, the bravery of all those who made it happen, and their intense faith in God.

  3. I would lik eto go back to actually see all the Ancient 7 Wonders of the world. All we have left are the Pyramids.

  4. Amen Kiki - amen.

    I'd also go back to when I was a kid and slap some sense into her noggin. I sure thought I was invinsible for a long time.

  5. Around 1939, so I could assassinate Hitler.

  6. Civil War I would be one of the ladies dress like a male soldier and fighting with them.

  7. The time of Christ,and wherever He was on the day I get there. I think it would be amazing to see Him.

  8. i'm pretty content here in the present.

  9. Rome. I would tell Stilicho, beware of that dirty rat Honorarius!

  10. i love living in this day and age. i'd never want to live in another time.

  11. the victorian era! I Love the Clothes.

  12. Civil War, any major battle, as long as I'm not right in the middle of it.

    Actually never mind.  I'd just like to see what life was really like in the Civil War period, either on the homefront or the battelfield.

  13. Id' go back to when Stonehenge was being built so I could finally find out exactly how it was built and what it was used for.  There has been endless speculation on the subject, and it would be nice to get it finally settled.

  14. Tomorrow to get the mega ball numbers and comeback a millionaire.


    A noble goal.....but I don't want to alter history that much.  It seems like it would be a really bad idea to s***w with the time stream to such a degree.


    Oh, I have to go into the past!  My bad....

    I guess I would go kidnap the lindberg baby.

  15. September 10, 2001.

    To warn them.

  16. Rio, Why wouldn't you go back before Hitler got into power? Why would you let the persecution of the Jews began with Kristallnacht and the Nuremberg Laws? Why wouldn't you take him out in 1926 or 1927?

    I would go back and see what Jesus was like. I am not a Christian, I just have this curiousity about the most influential person ever. Did he exist? If he existed, what was he like? What did he look like?

  17. the day when Hillary clinton was concieved to put a condom on her father

  18. The 1920s, Chicago or New York.

  19. I have no interest in changing the past.  That's ridiculous.  

    I'd like to go forward in time to the day when the Equal Rights Amendment is finally ratified and becomes part of the Constitution.  And the day when democracy overtakes and crushes Sharia law and Muslim women become full human beings.

    Then I'll come back here with a smile on my face, knowing that the boneheads are screaming in vain.

  20. I would like to go back about 8 years in time for the very first  deal of an election of Georgie the Bush Jr. as an excuse for an American President. I would simply show the voters what he might do in next few years, if we let him lead us into pits of h**l. Fools should be avoided at all cost, because they are illogical, unpredictable and irrational beings. Somehow, we have forgotten that for a while here, and look where it'd gotten us... What a shame that is...

  21. i don't really know but i would actually go back into time and find the conclusion to all the mysteries made in history like the mary celest if not then to stop willian booth from killing 16th president laugh at me all u want but that's my answer

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