
If you could volunteer for jury duty, would you?

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If you could volunteer for jury duty, would you?




  1. i was selected for jury duty but told my doctor i didnt want to do it. Jury duty pays well.

  2. NO WAY!!!! I dont like being in the courtroom as it is why would i volunteer to go there

  3. Oh I can get that big $17.65 or what ever it is if I have about 9-10 hours to kill.  Make friends, catch up on my reading, play cards......oh, fun!

  4. Yeah. I enjoy the whole courtroom shtick.

    Posturing lawyers and pompous judges, and puzzled or downright baffled citizens are fun to watch. I've done it three times now.

    Always learn something new.

  5. I think I might volunteer on a limited basis, perhaps no more than once a year.  That's for personal reasons, but also because I don't think any one group of people, even well-meaning volunteers, should be deciding all issues.

  6. >Sure...I could use the money.<

  7. been 4 times. no would not offer to go. the more I see of the inside of the legal system - the more I get depressed about it. besides locally we get about $7 a day to cover lunch, big woop.

    I sat on a murder trial that the defending lawyer should have been sent back to law school. yeah he was court appointed, but still he had no clue. All I have seen in courts is lets make a deal , no real justice. And each state has it's own level of Justice anyway.

  8. Yes, I like doing my civic duty.

  9. I think so.  I'm in my 30's and have never been.  I think it would be an interesting experience and I'd get to see if it's at all like it is on tv.  Also, I'd get to have a say about something important that could really effect someone else's life.

  10. Where I live all registered voters have to serve unless they get it excused. I have been called twice in the past 8 years.

  11. Yeah! It'd give me something to do, besides, it's not as bad as everyone says.

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