
If you couldnt concive would you adopt?

by  |  earlier

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i would but it would have to be from new born




  1. No, I don't want children.

  2. Yes, I have aways wanted to be a mother more than anything else in life.

  3. I would never push myself to conceive, and I don't believe in stupid methods to try to. I would definitely adopt.

  4. yeah of course i would! but it would have to be new born the only reason being as i would bond quicker with that child and if the child was older about 10 years old he/she would know better whats happening and COULD be horrible etc.

  5. Definitely.  I was adopted. It went through when I was four but I was in the family from the age of about 2.  I know how it feels to know that that is where I came from and I would have real experiences to share with my new son / daughter.  Although, part of me, being in that situation, would love to have my own family, my own identity.  But why not help those who can't help themselves!  And why a newborn?  You could be on the list forever!  If you have the love to give, why not an older child?

  6. I would and in fact, may do so if my medical problems are not resolved.  I would be adopting from the former USSR as I'm already known to the specific orphanage.  I'd be willing to take a child as old as 3.  I'm concerned that an older child would not transition as well due to language barrier.

  7. i was adopted and i have had a wonder full life i was six weeks old but my mother has adopted a child of five years and loves us both the same i am now 57 and my adopted mother is 95 and everything is fine and dandy she also had four children of her own,,,

  8. Yes.  I would also adopt if I could conceive....

  9. yess forsure! 100%

  10. yes, I really want to have kids/family, and these children need if I couldn't concieve, I guess I would feel it was meant to be that that child would end up with us as its parents.

  11. Yep but I would take an older child aswell there's so many that get thrown away!!

  12. i think it is ever such a difficult question to answer and everyone could have different answers and reasons.

    For some they would do anything for a family and if conception wasn't possible, then the next step would be adoption...with the right process and preparation.

    For others, this could be too difficult to take.  The emotional situation of being told you cannot conceive is such a distressing time for some that adoption may be hard to consider.

    I was a birth mum to a couple who cannot conceive and they seem so complete now that they have a family they wanted for so long.  For them, adoption was taken slowly and thoughtfully and seems to have worked out very well for them.

    I think if adoption is done properly and with thought and care then it is a wonderful thing.

  13. Yes.  I would adopt an older child.  A baby would be ok, too, but I wouldn't refuse and older child.

  14. Yes i would. In fact when my own children get a little bit older, this is something which i would like to do anyway. I would like to open my heart and home to a child between the ages of 2-6years ideally, but would not rule out ANY age.

    Lillie - I don't really understand what you are trying to say? How can it NOT be about the adult who wants to adopt? What do you think would happen if these adults did not want to. It would not matter one bit about the needs of the child then. Nobody would want it, not its mother, father, immediate family it would grow up being shunted around from 1 foster carer to another or in a care home!

  15. Definately, especially if adoption was affordable. (TTC 3 years)

  16. I would, I think it's a great thing to welcome a homeless child into your home.

  17. i will adopt a kid but it should be from my siblings....

  18. Absolutely.  And we did.

  19. Can't conceive and am adopting.

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