
If you create a blog with a blog host like "blogger" will it get more search engine traffic...?

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Than a website that you create and simply submit to search engines without advertising?




  1. I agree with "agustjo..."

    Even better though is to have a website and a blog and tie the two together.  This will help boost your website and the blog certainly does have a good PR too.

    Hope that helps.


  2. I was looking into this today.  Basically your blog will not currently be searchable at all through search engines - the only way random people (ie not friends and family who have your blog address) will see your blog will be on the "next blog" option at the top of your blog page.  This will make sense if you are registered on blogger.

    There are 3 ways of getting your blog onto search engines.  Basically search engines have spider crawlers that search the internet for familiar websites that keep popping up - so you have to work at getting your blog out there -not by spamming it - but by adding your blog address (ie. to relevant forums, or having your friends reference your blogpage in forums or other public websites.

    You then need to submit your blogpage ( to the search engines to include in their listings if they so wish.

    Thirdly, you need to make the content of your blog good! that way people will subscribe to it & keep returning & the more hits your blog gets the more attention from search engines.

    This will all take at least a few weeks especially the spider crawling bit.

    Sorry I haven't explained this too well.  This is the technical answer from blogger help:

    > why is mine found blog not with googel???

    You have work to do.  Besides friends and family, your initial readers will come through the "Next Blog" link, randomly. You get more "Next Blog" traffic from posting more, less from posting less.  And, you'll need this initial traffic.

    Most long term readers will initially find your blog through search engine hits. You have to get the search engines involved, but you won't get listed by them, automatically.  You have to do some work, let them know that you're there, that you want to be listed, and that you are worthy of being listed.

    1) Get your friends to link to your blog, where your blog is relevant.

    2) Participate in forums, where your blog is relevant, and include the URL.

    3) Comment on other blogs, in relevant comments, and include the URL.

    4) Put relevant and useful content in your blog.

    5) Some search engines may index your blog using the site feed.  Be sure to activate the feed.

    6) When you have done all of the above, your blog will have some weight.  Submit your blog to the search engines, for indexing.

    7) Post frequently, and keep the content of your blog moving.

    Remember though, none of this happens overnight.  Search engines can take months to index your blog fully.  And even when indexed, don't expect for a search to some key element in your blog to give you an entry on the first page of the search hits.  And remember that owners of other blogs, like yours, are actively working to be included by Google too.

    example me referencing my blog page on a forum -

  3. I don't know but I think that it will give more engine traffic. Not really sure though, sorry.

  4. i hav a blog there and its fine

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