
If you cross a tomato plant with a squash plant will it grow ketchup?

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If you cross a tomato plant with a squash plant will it grow ketchup?




  1. NO, ketchup is basically tomato paste, it's main ingredients are tomato's, vinegar, some form of sugar

  2. No... -But it WILL grow alot of Red Squash that nobody will eat! :0

  3. You could not simply cross these two unrelated species. Tomatoes, which are relatives of eggplants, potatoes, tobacco, and peppers are not closely related to squash, which is related to pumpkins, melons, and cucumbers. Even among closely related species, the ability to cross them is extremely limited.

  4. Scientest are trying to cross water mellon plant with wallnut tree to get a bigger fruit on a bigger tree.Let us hope for the best.

  5. If the plot is used for p**p it would be CATSUP

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