
If you cross two different colors of Glofish, what color will the offspring be?

by Guest43  |  earlier

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Glofish are genetically engineered zebra danios that are red, yellow or green. To create them, unhatched eggs were injected with proteins from sea organisms, which led to bright colors of the resultant fish. This dominant gene is now passed on to offspring of these fish through normal reproduction.

My question is what color of offspring would result from, for example, a cross breeding of a red glofish and a yellow glofish?




  1. It would depend which gene is dominant and which is recessive.
    But I wouldn't recommend breeding Glofish intentionally, though. Apparently their little lives are copyrighted, and trading/selling/giving them away/breeding them is breaking copyright laws. Sad that fish enthusiasts can't breed their beloved pets legally anymore.

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