
If you dance and sing on a tube in London...?

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Will you be looked at like a crazy person? Will you be ignored? Will you be quietly respected and appreciated for your public service talents? Will you be picked up by a bobby for disturbing the peace? I'm talking about if you're a rowdy bunch with your friends, maybe after going out for a drink or five...

I'm just curious, because where I'm from it's no big deal to go crazy with attention getting antics when you're happy or excited. Vegas just brings that out and people. But in London, it's a more elegant, trendy society... so are crazy happy-to-be-in-London-antics better left at home because they're frowned upon, or is it likely no one will give a hey when I go there?




  1. Try it. London is classy however the tube is not. And so what if you get weird looks from people. You will probably never see them again so why care what they think. Have a nice time in London.  

  2. a lot depends on what time of day you do it ... if it's during the morning or evening rush hours you can fully expect people to be very grumpy with you for disturbing their journey ... if it's during the day (out of rush hour) people will try to look as if they're ignoring you completely but are more likely either to be irritated by you or even to find you rather threatening ... if it's later in the evening and there are other people in the compartment who have also had their inhibitions reduced by alcohol, they are more likely to join in and sing along with you

    the one thing that is NEVER likely to happen is that anyone would respect your talents

  3. Londoners have no problem with people having a good time. Your view of London as an 'elegant' place is a little outdated - it is a thoroughly modern city with diverse nightlife and as many creative and 'out there' people as you will find anywhere else in the world.

    I'm not sure why you would feel the need to sing and dance on the tube. Is that generally what you do when you're happy? If so, then feel free but no one is going to be that impressed. As someone said above, you will most likely be ignored.

    Be aware that most of us Londoners use the tube to get home - not as a performance stage. After a long day at work, the last thing some people will want to hear is singing and shouting etc. The British Transport Police also don't take kindly to people 'disturbing the peace'.

    Have a good time in London, but be considerate of your fellow tube passengers - just as you would wish us to be in your country.

  4. the tube is hardly a classy place even though you may think London is. i doubt its unusual to get groups of drunks singing and dancing on the tube and i dont mean to sound offensive or anything but usually we can just about tolerate drunken British people on the tube. i think a lot of British people can be quite prejudiced against Americans so if you and a load of your mates starting singing and dancing like crazy on the train you would probably get the remark 'those crazy Americans' and a few funny looks. i dont think its unusal to do but be warned you may end up spending the night in a police cell for being drunk and disorderly! London may seem a classy place and there are some classy people there but there are also some really unclassy people btw, dont believe the stereotypes!

  5. Vegas is not a real city, its a resort people dont act normally there.

    On the tube, you'll be both ignored AND regarded as nuts.. but you definitely wont be "quietly respected and appreciated for your public service talents", you'll be tolerated grudingly at best and possibly scare some people at worst. The police will probably leave you alone so long as you aren't blind drunk and disorderly or disturbing people.  

    Most of all...dont act like a stupid American tourist abroad.

  6. They will probably pick you up for "busking" or whatever they call it over there, basically they will think you are singing in hopes of getting tips.  I think it would be funny though - and the bobbies are kinda cute so it wouldn't be so bad to get roughed up by them, ha ha!

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