
If you dance around for a while does it cheer you?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yes. doing any type of exercise makes your body produce endorphins.

    Endorphin is a feel good chemical produced by your hormones witch makes you feel happy.

  2. dancing always makes me feel good. i just let myself by free and once i start, i never wanna stop

  3. Of course it those. Dancing is a wonderful way to reduce tension and relax and ,yes, cheer up. It always works for me along with listening to music.  

  4. yer lol hehe

  5. absolutely. when I'm angry and sad i go take a dance class or just dance about my living room (embarrassing i know but we all do it) i don't think about anything else the entire time. it works.

  6. Yes it does.

    I find that if the children are all in a grumpy mood we put on some loud music and dance around a bit it puts us all in a better mood.

  7. Because i'm a dancer I always find myself dancing and in a very happy mood! Yes it does!

  8. Yuhuu!!!

    Sure... I love it!

  9. of course!! haha, excersise is a natural anti depressant plus dancing is just d**n fun!

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