
If you decide that you're indecisive, which one are you?

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If you decide that you're indecisive, which one are you?




  1. My indifference to your question is exceeded only by my apathy.

  2. Who says you have to be one?  Is the glass half full or empty?  Why not both?  And what does that mean?

  3. Labeling yourself as indecisive isn't a decision, it is a conclusion.

    Decisions imply a choice. A conclusion is a determination of fact based on evidence.

    For example, given traffic, you may conclude that the fastest way to get from point A to point B is to walk.  Your decision might be to walk, drive anyway, or stay at point A.

    I'm sorry if that doesn't specifically answer your question, but the premise is flawed, so it has no answer.  

  4. I understand your question. If you "decide" that you are "indecisive" then did you not make a choice and would you then be decisive or indecisive. The answer--- a person can be indecisive for the majority of the time and yet be decisive in a particular area. So-- it would depend upon the majority of decisive or indecisive to make up the answer.

  5. thats just confusing

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